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Found 3 results

  1. Someone has kindly driven into my car in the office car park. I am hoping that there is evidence available in the form of CCTV so that I might find the culprit and deal with the situation appropriately, but looking at the photo attached, does it look as though new wing/door are needed or that the damage will t-cut out?
  2. About 4 years ago, we had some financial problems and GE Money tried to repossess our house. The matter went to Court and we got the Warrant suspended on payment of the monthly payment plus an amount off the arrears calculated by the Judge on the Norgren principle. Since then we have not missed a payment and the arrears are decreasing. At the end of October, GE Money started calling to say that there was no payment arrangement in place and they want the payment to be increased because the total debt was increasing because they had not declared the actuarial fee account in Court. The Judge had asked for full details in Court before passing his ruling and only the Mortgage amount and the Arrears were declared by their Solicitor. The Solicitor declared that was the total debt owed. GE Money have 3 phone number for me, Home, Mobile and Business number and started calling all numbers up to 6 times a day. So far they have made over 1,100 calls I have reported them to the FSA and the OFT for harassment. The Information Commissioner's Office were useless as they only deal with cold-calling for sales. The FSA surprised me by taking the matter seriously and said that they had asked the OFT to prepare a full report for them with a view to taking action. I have told GE countless times that there is a Court Order in place which is a legally binding agreement on both parties. They have now started adding £40 monthly charges to the account as they say there is no payment agreement in place. Are they in financial difficulties as they seem desperate to wring a few more pounds a month out of me. They are certainly not making much if a lot of people have the same terms as us as our contracted rate is 2.19% over BoE bank rate. Who can I approach to get the calling to stop?
  3. Hi Decrease in individual insolvencies (10.2% decline) driven by fees...Insolvency News article http://www.insolvencynews.com/article/14241/personal/decrease-in-individual-insolvencies-driven-by-fees More people with debt problems struggling to make that fresh start? People in current debt solutions on unmanagable budgets and getting worse Not helping anything this and cant go on
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