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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows if I can find a written statement anywhere that states that as a consumer, under UK law, I have a right to shop around for the best deal on goods and services. I have spent a couple of hours looking around online but cannot find a statement like this anywhere. Any help anyone can give would be very much appreciated Thanks in advance. Pickles18
  2. The number of individual insolvencies in England and Wales fell to its lowest level in eight years in 2013, according to government figures. In total 101,049 individuals became insolvent last year, the lowest number since 2005. On the corporate side, 14,982 companies went into liquidation, the lowest since 2007. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-26082570 Stigman
  3. For full report - http://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2014/08/14/repossessions-at-lowest-since-2006/
  4. Writing this post on behalf of my son who has been working for the same employer for the last four years. He joined the company aged 18 and was on the lowest pay rate possible for his age. During his time there he has been constantly ignored when it came to reviewing his hourly rate. Other people who have started working for the company after my son have been upgraded to the higher hourly rates. My son is becoming demoralised and dis-interested in his work which he used to enjoy. He sees relative new comers starting and overtaking him in the pay rates but when he questions the HR Mangeress at annual review time there always seems to be an excuse why he hasn`t been given an hourly pay rise (Yes he has been given the statutory pay rises in accordance with his age but company pay rises in conjunction with experience and multi skilled activities have not been forthcoming), they range from we can only put through a certain amount each month, your line manager needs to approve your upgrade or come and see me in a couple of months we`ll sort it out. A couple of months ago he undertook some additional training and the HR Manageress even mentioned that they ought to get around to sorting his upgrade out, however, on the occasions he has gone to see her, she is always too busy or got more important things to arrange, seemingly knowing that he is there to talk out his pay rate. He is getting increasingly frustrated even though he appreciates the fact he is fortunate to have a full time job considering the current economic climate. Many thanks for any advice or suggestions
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