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  1. The purpose of exposing the truth about this story will contribute to finding the truth so that justice can finally achieved for us and for other people in the similar situations. I do not have a big group of leaseholders behind me and hence I am completely isolated and silenced. My home has been flooded for 10 years. I was deprived of any dignity in my own home. I experienced that silence to which I was constrained after a decade-long attack on my dignity as a human being before I was removed from my home with my evidence being ignored. The only objective of any exposure is the search for truth. There is no place for the “politically correct.” in a system that privileges parasitic opportunists at the expenses of families and people that cannot defend themselves on equal grounds. Anyone should be given the right to expose their side of the story according to the evidence available. I hope that consumeractiongroup will concede me this opportunity always with respect for the law and, of course, to relevant enquiries. I am looking for urgent expertise and help by consumers who are knowledgeable about planning issues and conveyancing. Some details of my story are available here: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/conversion_in_eight_flats_at_34 if anyone bothers to follow the link and read up to the bottom I will then ask few urgent questions, Thanks a lot, Homeless Gullyver An isolated and silenced leaseholder.
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