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Found 8 results

  1. Hi All, Thank's for taking the time to read this. I know there's tons of information out there regarding such matters - and after much research, I think have a pretty good grasp of what needs to follow, but I'd really appreciate your advise or any input you have! The low down: 2012, low point in my life, lots of debt (I know, I've had my spanking). I have a perfect history for over 5 years now - so it's essential I avoid a CCJ at any cost! The debt was a current account / overdraft. It was defaulted in late 2012, on my credit report, it's showing settled with the bank in mid 2015, and the debt now falls under a new section under the name Lowell, with a default status as the same 2012 date. I have not made any contact, nor payments before the default was even issued. Ok, so first of all the claim form: ------------------------------------------------ Name of Claimant: Lowell Portfolio Date of Issue: 18/12/2017 Address for Sending Docs & payments: Lowell Solicitors PO Box Particulars of Claim: Author Document Debt assigned on XX/XX/15 by XXXXXXX Banking Group, and the claimant claims: 1. XXXX 2. Statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act (1984) at a rate of 8.000%...... etc Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------------------- I've purposely masked dates and figures, but if I've gone too far, let me know, and I'll fill in some of the blanks. Point 1 - is just a single figure, of lets say 3500. Point 2, Mentions the "banking group", but not the actual bank I was with, which is under a completely different name. That's it, nothing more. As you can see, they have been incredibly vague with the POC - this makes me think they know very little about the debt, and it's just a long shot on their part. Ok, so - generally, my plan of action is: 1) Sign into MCO and acknowledge (DONE) 2) Send A CPR 31.14,current account version (I'm not sure they even know it's a current account!) to Lowell solicitors PO Box 3) With the information I receive back - write up a defence. 4) If nothing is received back - Write up my defence, which will include failure to provide info specific to CPR and argue their claim is far too vague. I'm having trouble with the 31.14 - as in examples, you request the documents that are relevant / specified in the POC. But there's no mention of any, no agreements, letters, warning, default notices etc etc - it's so vague, I'm not exactly sure what I should be asking for! I would be so grateful for any advice/input on this! I also apologise as this turned into more waffle than I anticipated! Thank you! P
  2. Received letter from BRW Legal demanding payment on a current account. I wrote back sayhing I have never had this account. They never replied instead sent claim through CCBC for full amount plus costs and interest. Form says Current account agreement regulated by the comsumer act 1974. I have acknowledged the receipt of the claim. What should I ask BW to provide or what can I.
  3. Hi All, Having finally come to terms with the severity of my financial situation i am now about to start my first steps with the kind help of StepChange. Your help, advice and guidance will be greatly appreciated as i have no income and have to leave my privately rented flat within a month... My current account with HSBC has had an agreed overdraft limit of £2000 for about the past 5 years ( having had a reasonably paid job ). I also have a credit card with them with a limit of £12,000. My account has been incurring charges for about the last 5 months and recently i have has letters to state certain debts haven't been paid which the have had a knock on effect with other cards i have. My Credit card has gone over its agreed limit a few times and i have been able to pay the interest to bring it back to £12k but can't anymore so again is 300 over £12.3k limit. I have had the CC since 2003 and normally had balances of 3-6k. I have just noticed that i am not covered with Payment insurance they have always been charging me and did ask for or notice until i got my self into this mess. Annual review letter states : last year i paid £818.69 ppi. So now i incur over dawn and over limit fees for both my current and cc accounts. Is the a way i can get some advice and to put my mind at rest and have some glimmer of hope as to how much if any i could expect to receive? I asked HSBC and they told me to speak to Aviva? Basically don't want to know. I another two cards with barley card again both to the limit, but no ppi as i think i cancelled, can i still claim for that ? Many thanks all N
  4. Hi All, I am creating separate threads per debt (continuing from this thread: Will defaults be reissued if I am only making £1 token payments?) (to figure out how I can get defaults removed. OC (DCA) Amount Owing: Barclays OD (Credit Solutions Limited) £11,669 Last Payment: £2 on 6 May 2014 to Credit Solutions Limited as they are the ones chasing me for this debt, I last sent them acknowledgement in Feb 2014 to setup token payments. Per Noddle: Lender – Barclays Bank Plc Account Type – Current Account (Overdraft) Status – Default Account Start Date – (not sure and it’s not on report either but probably around 2010) Account Default Date – 16 Sep 2012 As this is a Current Account, can I start with CCA/SAR? not what other route do I follow please? How can I calculate Penalty Charges and PPI? Thx!
  5. TEMPLATE AT THE MOMENT WILL UPDATE IN A BIT NORTHAMPTON (CCBC) county court Claim no xxxxxxxx Issue Date Particulars of claim The Claimants claim is in respect of a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 wherby Lloyds BANKING GROUP original creditor provided the defendant with a credit card. In return the defendant agreed to pay at least the minimum payment given in the statement. A default notice was served on the defendant which has expired and upon which the defendant has failed to comply with. A Notice of Assignment has been sent to the defendant notifying them that this debt has been assisgned to the Claimant. The claimant therefore claims the sum of £xxxx plus costs. The claimant has complied with Sections III and IV of the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct. ========= signed OPTIMA LEGAL SERVICES LTD
  6. Hi, My Premium Account is being scrapped and I rely on the following features of it: 1.) The fee-free overdraft 2.) The mobile phone insurance 3.) The breakdown cover 4.) The travel insurance Now they are closing the account, I will be switched to the every day account which means I'll be charged £1/day for being in my authorised overdraft up to a maximum 20 days in any one month. Due to the way I'm currently running my account, this means I'll end up being charged £20/month for my overdraft, but get none of the "perks" For this reason I'm looking to move my account elsewhere, however due to my credit rating, I'm unable to get the overdraft matched elsewhere. I'm interested to find out if it is possible to ask Santander to freeze the charges on my overdraft while I pay it off? I'll instead have to pay another bank £10/month for similar features, but I begrudge paying Santander £20/month for nothing. I would accept paying up to £10/month until the overdraft is cleared - do you think this is something they would accept?
  7. i have an outstandng dispute with egg card and heve been chased over the years by various DCA'sI have now heard that Barclays have brought egg.I have a barclays account can they take money from this account to settle the egg card
  8. I have other threads and have found very good advise here. I have my main current account with Santander after they took over the business of the A&L. The account dates back to the early to mid 90s and it came with a Flexiplan account attached to it. A standing order goes out every month to the Flexiplan, when the account is in credit it's like a savings account but it also has a credit line of £750, which is totally independent of the overdraft. Every month a small amount (just under £3) gets debited from my current account as 'Flexi Premiumcare'. This debit has been there as far as I can remember, along with the £30 S/O to Flexiplan and is charged even when the Flexi account is in credit, which has been around 90% of the time. Could this be PPI by any other name? I think I must relate to the Flexi account and not the O/D as I've only had and O/D for the last 10-12 years, the Flexi was there since I opened the account. Although the amount is small, it has been charged every month for around 17 years! I've read in these forums that there's no time limit to reclaim PPI (if that's what it is). Both my current account and Flexiplan are in credit and, thanks to MBNA taking over the A&L credit cards, I have no defaults with Santander. Is there any way I could reclaim these 'Premiumcare' charges? If I SARd Santander they'd probably send the usual 6 years statements which is not good as this goes back a lot further. However, as far as I can remember, these amounts have been largely unchanged over the years (it may have been £2.75 and now £2.90/mth but that's about it!) & the Flexi credit line has also remained unchanged. How can I be sure it's PPI? if not, what is it? Is there a way I can find out when I first got the Flexi, I can't even remember what year I opened the account as it's been so long! Also, is there a chance they could cancel my Flexiplan or even the O/D even though I'm in credit and paying in just because I start trying to claim old charges? I also had a personal loan that I took out in 2006 with the A&L, I rang Santander in August & they said the last payment would be the one in Sept this year so the loan is now paid off. There was a single monthly payment going out to Santander Loans, otherwise I have no paperwork for the loan, everything was done very quickly by a financial adviser in a branch in the City, I think all I did was sign if at all! Is there any way to find out if any PPI was applied to this loan? Thanks in advance!
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