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Found 4 results

  1. hate to say it but I might have lost someone their job cut me up at a give way further down road he cut someone up so badly at a give way that they had to move out of his way shame he was in a marked work van mailed the company just asked if their drivers could be more considerate mentioned it was on camera. They asked to see video then said they knew driver and would deal with him then today got this think someone got in trouble
  2. Greetings, Back in Feb 2014 I puchased a dash cam for £320. (Credit card) It has now failed with an intermittent but frequent power problem. I have contacted the seller but have been informed that they only offer a 12 month warranty. I have replied quoting SOGA. Do you think this has got legs or should I count my losses? I expect a point blank refusal to be assiseted so what to do next? Many thanks, Stevetheboy.
  3. Hello all, A friend has referred me to this website as I've got an issue with a PCM parking fine. We have a car park that requires permits to be displayed last week my car was issued with a parking fine outside my home. Unfortunately on this occasion I had forgotten to put my permit back up in the window and the next day the car was issued a fine. The permit is not stuck in my window as we transfer it between cars. I move the permit onto the car floor when driving as I cannot drive with the reflection of the permit on my dash in the windscreen. This is highly frustrating as it was a simple error made on my behalf, and I shouldn’t have to pay the fine when I have a permit and I parked outside my own property. When making an appeal to PCM - what would be the best approach? I made a genuine mistake and can prove I have a permit. Do you think this will be sufficient and could you provide further advise? Thank you in advance
  4. Hi, I received a penalty notice as my parking ticket was in the foot well when I returned to my car. Here's the notice & ticket: I then challenged the ticket following an example letter used successfully here (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?389602-Have-a-local-authority-parking-ticket). This was my challenge description: "I would like to appeal the penalty charge served upon me. Enclosed is a copy of the Pay & Display ticket that I purchased and displayed for inspection. It can clearly be seen that I paid the appropriate fee and that the ticket was valid when the officer inspected my vehicle. Unfortunately, at some point during my absence from the vehicle, the ticket somehow became dislodged from where it had been clearly displayed and fell into the foot well. I accept that your officer could not have known this and acted accordingly. However, now that the ticket has been presented for inspection it is clear that I did not avoid payment of the parking fee or that I had parked beyond time paid for. The only purpose a ticket needs to be displayed is to enable an officer to distinguish between those that have paid for parking and those that have not and those who have exceeded the time paid for. The ticket produced clearly shows that had your officer seen my ticket at the time of inspection that there would be no need to serve a penalty charge notice. The only remaining issue is whether the fact that the ticket was not clearly displayed at the time of inspection warrants the council taking a hard line and upholding the penalty charge. I believe that for the council to take such a stance would be contrary to the advice of the DfT and the Secretary of State. As a valid ticket has been presented for inspection it is clear to any reasonable person that it would not be in the public interest to penalise a person who paid the required fee and did nothing to the detriment of the public interest. I cannot think of a more appropriate situation where paragraph 85 applies than this. I therefore politely request that the council act fairly and proportionately in this matter and exercise their discretion sensibly and reasonably by cancelling this penalty charge. It would be best for all if we can resolve this without the need to seek independent adjudication." I have now received the following response from Hackney: Does anyone have any advice on whether this is worth pursuing - I wouldn't be able to take any time off work, so if that was going to be a requirement for challenging this further, it's not really an option for me. That said, I do feel like this is really unfair and am keen to pursue on principle. Appreciate any help! Many thanks Simon
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