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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, This is a frustrating situation and time is pretty limited so hopefully someone may be able to help. Lol due to the fact that i'm the family banker this post is on behalf of my partner last year our daughter acquired some equipment and used Admiral Leasing, (my partner was the guarantor). The equipment was not proving to make the profit that was required and our daughter contacted Admiral Leasing, explained that she could not afford to keep up the repayments and asked for a solution. She was informed that they would collect the machine and it would be resold. She was then told that they would negotiate a payment plan for the balance after the machine was sold. In August 2016 our daughter and my partner received a letter of termination, this included the outstanding amount. Our daughter phoned and enquired about the letter and was informed that this was a default template generated by the computer and that there was nothing to worry about, they would negotiate the balance as soon as the equipment was sold on. On December 29th 2016 both parties received a letter for a county court summons from Admiral Leasing for the amount of £6,479.48. We were a little bemused because on reading the Plaintiff comments: - have contacted parties on numerous occasions to resolve outstanding balance, have supplied all necessary paperwork, no resolve. Prior to the court summons my partner received no correspondence what so ever from Admiral Leasing or their acting solicitor. Our daughter did not receive any correspondence either. She contacted their acting solicitor and was told that he had sent her numerous emails, she said that she had not received them and could they resend, to date she has not received them. She also pointed out that she had phoned several times to check on the situation with the machine sale, she was told not to worry as they would contact her as soon as it was sold. Furthermore she offered to make a payment plan which they would only accept if we put a voluntary charging order against our property. We were not prepared to do this. We spoke with a solicitor and explained the situation, they contacted the Admiral Leasing acting solicitor and offered payment of the outstanding amount which was left after the machine sale £5577.26, they stated that we would not pay costs as we had not received any correspondence. The acting solicitor refused and said they wanted the whole amount. Our solicitor then just said pay it as its not worth the cost of proceeding. (should we just give in and pay the extra £1000.00?) We do not dispute the machine balance and have offered to pay, we do dispute the costs on the assumption that had they sent a request of payment to us after the machine was sold, we would have paid. Also should they not have sent us a default notice or a letter before action rather than a court summons? does the credit agreement not protect us against this? It seems like their solicitor has just jumped the gun to stuff an extra 1000.00 in his back pocket! Any advise would be grateful, unfortunately due to the time it has taken to process information with the parties involved we now only have until Thursday to reply. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi Long story but will keep as concise as can be. I am leasing a vehicle which required some work (impossible to remove wheel nuts to replace tyres - vauxhall dealership said previous owner had used the wrong instruments previously) I contacted the company for advice (first time leasing a vehicle, wasnt sure on liability) they admitted that after just 6000 miles I should not need to replace the tyres, and as a courtesy would take the vehicle and replace them. At no time was I told they would charge for this (or I would have done it locally) It was due MOT the same week which the lease company said would put through the MOT and bill me for the cost of the MOT. This all occurred August 2013. - this was done verbally. I received my car back with damage to the rear pannel, to which I comtacted them immediately to sort out. They denied everything to do with it and tried to suggest that they had noticed the damage themselves, that it was already there. Complete lies! A week later I received an invoice (rather, my neightbour did) for £290 which included the replacement tyres, removal of old tyres and maintenance plus the MOT. I contacted the company to dispute this and to also chase up on the status of my claim regarding the vehicle damage. They tried to suggest that an email had been sent to me outlining the total cost of the work, yet when I asked for proof of this it was clear that they had the wrong email address (although I had been comunicating with them via email the entire time I had been dealing with them for the lease hire) We disputed this for weeks and in the end I accepted their offer to waive the cost of the MOT and would pay for the tyres only. I asked for a new invoice (reiterating my address - and advising that they got it wrong previously) and I shared pictures of the body damage which was requested by the CEO to look into. - For 2 years I hear nothing, I pay myself for the body repairs via a garage and assume (stupidly) that common sense had prevailed. Bare in mind that I am still a customer, the car is outside my house right now, I pay them via direct debit £159 a month, so I am not difficult to find. 2 weeks ago I had a call from a collections agency chasing up the £290 to which I disputed based upon the situation raised above. They advised they would put the claim on hold whilst they investigate. They called me back today claiming that they are willing to take this to court and that unless I pay £490 (including costs) there would be a summons against me. They then re-read my file and advised that a summons was already against me, it was raised in August of this year. I advised that I have never received any communication since 2013, how can I be expected to acknowledge the summons if I didnt know it existed..? They threatened me with bailifs unless I pay £400 today to clear the debt. I felt intimidated and did this straight away with the aim of speaking with Citizens Advice afterwards to understand my rights and how to proceed regarding the vehicle damage which was never acknowledged. I was given I reference number by the debt agency and I called the courts immediately. I was advised by the courts that the summons was sent in August 2015 and as I had not paid within 30 days that a CCJ has been listed against me. When she asked for my details it became apparent that the address Hippo Leasing had given to the court was the incorrect address that they sent the initial invoice to. . it was the neighbours address of my previous address. I am not sure where I stand in this case. The lady at the courts suggested that I have grounds to set aside the CCJ on the basis that Hippo did not provide the correct address details for me , but that I need to pay the £155 to do this. She also suggested that I may be able to get the courts to enforce the £155 on the car leasing company as it is their error...? 2nd thing is if I have any legs with the body damage thing? I wish I had escalated it further at the time, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt (that they were absorbing the cost of the repair) so I arranged to sort the rest out myself. :-x Any advice welcome!
  3. Sorry if this is not the right forum. I am self employed and am thinking of leasing a car. The garage have advised me that I can claim the VAT back from the contract rental through my business. Would anyone know how this works? Can I also claim the cost of the lease too or just the VAT? So how exactly would it work? Sorry new to this stuff so say my rental is £400 + Vat so simply I take off the £80 VAT from my profit or how?
  4. Total Digital Solutions Limited were the subject of Administration and RSM Tenon Recovery were appointed joint Administrators on 1st August 2012. An immediate disposal of TDS was the business and assets was done by sale to Apogee Corporation Limited on the same day. TDS appear to have used Shire leasing for customer agreements. TDS core business was described as supply of latest technology,document,printy,copy,scan,and management services,and traded from premises in North West. I have been made aware that there are some business owners who are now questioning the validity of the contracts they entered into with TDS. I have seen evidence which shows that TDS mis sold an agreement,and when challenged,agreed to take over the remaining liability and continue the payments to Shire. For almost a year the business concerned made no payments and assumed that TDC as indicated in writing was paying. The dispute around the legitimacy of the agreement involved a number of things. 1.That the Customer was led to believe that the contract was only for 12 months which turned out to be 5 years. 2.That the customer was then offered a telecoms marketing package which comprised of bluetooth technology being provided outside his premises. Although a printer/copier was listed on the agreement,no printer was provided.When questioned about this the response was unacceptable. No mention of the bluetooth or associated services was made on the agreement 3.TDS applied a personal guarantee on the agreement,which the business man assures me he did not agree to or know about. The Business is now recieving telephone demands for arrears on 2 accounts from Shire. Shire have been informed of the situation,and in fact an email exists from when the arrangement was made by TDS to take over the account liability. When asked to provide these demands in writing,Shire said they had no need to do so and would be taking proceedings if he did not pay. Shire themselves are no strangers to controversy,and an internet search reveals that they were a party to previous regulatory investigations. Shire are holders of a number of Consumer Credit licences. If anyone has been affected by the TDS Administration and sale,please post details in this thread.
  5. MBNA sold debts that belonged to both me and my husband. Idem bought mine, Moorcroft bought my husbands. I emailed Idem regarding reduced payments that I would make, and eventually they responded agreeing to my reduced amount. However, Moorcroft ignore emails (sent day after day) and they will not reply despite my husband requesting that they not call, but put in writing instead. They call anyway, and to whomever called, I asked them not to call, but to respond to my husband's emails - however, the chap then called my husband's mobile immediately! I got a statement from Idem, and in exactly the same marked envelope (same return address, same statement format) my husband had one from Moorcroft. Does anyone know if this is the same company??? It's really cheesing me off that Moorcroft ignore all the emails. Also, they're sneaky so-and-so's: they are based hundreds of miles away from us, and yet they call the landline using a local number that they must buy to use, to look like they're someone local calling us - idiots! It doesn't take long for me to recognise the number and ignore it. But, they're making me so mad!!! I think I'm wasting my time re-sending the same emails but at least it proves the point that they're ignoring us, dispite contacting them on a daily basis!
  6. Does anyone know what happens if I am unable to make car lease payments? I have about 16 months left of a 3 year lease. Husband has left, financially struggling (to put it mildly). I cannot transfer the lease and the cost for early redemtion is about 3.5k. Any advice on any options much appreciated.
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