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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I've been a customer of Barclaycard since April 1996 - so a very long time! A couple of years ago after a messy divorce , I found myself in a bit of a financial mess to the point where I had to enlist the help of StepChange to sort things out. Until now, Barclaycard have been fine and were happy to accept the payments from StepChange. Unfortunately I missed a payment which "broke" the agreement but they were happy for me to continue on an "informal" arrangement and indeed back in March this year when I contacted them they assured me that there were no plans to default the account as long as I kept up with the reduced payments, and that I should contact them in a few months time. What they did so is that they had no "formal plans" available for me at that time. Yesterday I received a letter from them stating that if I didn't clear the arrears within 60 days, and then resume my standard contractual minimum payment (with intrerest) they would default the account. I contacted them today to query this and say that they were effectively moving the goalposts as they had previously said that they wouldn't default the account, I also made the point that the minimum payment would be more than I am paying via StepChange and therefore I wouldn't be able to do this without manually topping up the payment and thus being in breach of my plan. They were adamant that there was nothing they were prepared to do , although I have asked for this to be escalated as a formal complaint. They did tell me that these letters and change in heart is a new policy of theirs and they have had a number of similar complaints.. Any thoughts as to what I can / should do? Is the fact that the account is sold old of any relevance?
  2. I am having nothing but trouble with Hastings Premier on behalf of my Stepson regarding a false claim made against him in August 2014. Hastings wrote to my stepson in Early September 2014 stating there had been a claim made against him. No details of where it happened or the times. My stepson then telephoned Hastings where they took a statement for him over the phone. He stated his car had been left (15 miles away from home) where he works as an apprentice. His employer loaned him a car to allow him to get home. Hastings then wrote back in January asking how the Third Party had got his details and also requested proof that his car was left at his work placement. My stepson's employer very kindly wrote a letter stating that the car was left overnight at his premises. This was sent to Hastings by recorded delivery in February 2015. I then telephoned Hastings myself (my stepson gave authorization for them to speak to me) asking if they had received the letter which they confirmed they had and I plugged them for information about where the incident happened and the time which they finally gave me (this was 5 months after they first wrote to us). I have had to continually chase them up by telephoning twice a month asking for updates. I ended up giving them my email address and told them to contact me. I received an email yesterday stating that they have recorded the date of the alleged claim as incorrect and have now given another date. They have given us 14 days to provide evidence that my stepson was not involved or they are going to pay out the claim. So after 9 months of claiming that it happened on a certain date they have now changed the date. I think it is ridiculous that they now expect my stepson to remember what happened 9 months ago.
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