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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, this is one for people who really know their contract law, specifically the consumer credit act. This is the scenario: I have a builder do me an extension. Our contract states the work will cost £100k. In order to get s75 CCA protection, I get the builder to give me 4 invoices. Invoice 1- foundations, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 2- Roof, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 3- Walls, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 4, decorations £25k (price shown on the contract). £100 was paid for each invoice using a credit card. The transaction I made on each card was for the invoices, not for the contract. Each invoice takes the pricing from the contract. Does anyone, who has a legal mind with a speciality in contract law, know if I can expect cover under s75 CCA in this situation? thanks
  2. Follows the Southern Cross closures and others. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20564151
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