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Found 6 results

  1. A fitter came to my house on the 20th of June. Unfortunately, when he came to my house he did not have the LVT samples that I had requested from the Carpetright Ipswich store, in order to do colour matching. I thought that was not professional of the store, but nevertheless, I decided to let this go. On the 30th of June I made an order for a Carpet, LVT and fitting on a finance agreement. At that time I did not realise that the carpet in question is out of stock and the customer advisor did not inform me of this. Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't have made the order as I would like to have flooring in my new house sooner. I wish I had been informed of the 4 weeks turn around. I had been hoping for a two-week turnaround (max). On the date of my order I had been told by the person who did the paperwork that he would give me a ring the next day to arrange fitting dates. I did not get the promised call on 1st July. Monday 2nd July I followed up to try and get a fitting date and the person on the other line told me that it wouldn't be until the end of the month. At which point I expressed my dissatisfaction as I had not known it would take so long, neither had I been told this at time of order. The person on the other line said he would see what he can do to expedite the fitting. He gave me a call the following day, but unfortunately, due to work commitments I missed the call and was not able to get back to the store until Friday 6th July. On Friday 6th July I rang the store back and managed to secure a fitting date for the 19th of July. However, I've been reviewing my Carpetright account online and I noticed that the carpet order is on hold because the carpet is (no stock). The store did not make this clear to me at the time of order that the carpet was not in stock. My experience and cumulation of disappointments do not inspire confidence and I am concerned about further letdowns, which has led me to the decision to cancel my order . I have a credit agreement with a cool of period of 14 days, which expires in 6 days. This is a huge agreement to get into and a very big deal, as a result, I want to make sure that the service delivered is also to a good standard that I'm not going to regret. Carpetright have point blank refused to cancel the order and yet attached is a term/condition that I feel they are in breach of. I wonder what rights I have?
  2. Hello Today I needed to cancel order on floor panels that had value of around £2000 there was nothing wrong with them, well beside the fact I found similar quality panels for half of the price so it was obvious I would need to cancel my order with Carpetright as I'm not made of money just like most of the population. I went to the store with my order confirmation where I paid for the panels with cash(the panels were supposed to be delivered next week) I told the manager of the store I wish to cancel my order and that's where all of it starts. I've been told that I can cancel but I will be charged 20-25% of the order value which added to over £400 just for the cancellation and the explanation for this was the panels were ordered specially for me(Special Order) and the store wont be able to sell them now. I was rather unsatisfied with the fact and said this is too much which was countered with the response that even offering 25% charge is a sign of good will as the store has right to refuse cancellation. I would like to add that they failed to show me any term and conditions that stated charge of 25% but only a short snippet from a leaflet that says I can only amend order within 24 hours. After few minutes of arguments and call to regional manager by the shop manager they offered me a check for £1800 which I accepted as I felt I had no options left.( it will be sent by post within 7 days) My question is was actions of the store justifiable? Did they have the right to charge that much? Is there anything else I can do? Do I have right to a full refund? I can understand paying for handling but the price they came up with was ludicrous.
  3. meant to have floor screeded today for my laminate to be fitted weds and thurs, the 2 guys who were meant to screed decided and told carpetright they would not bother doing it as they had previously damaged my wall whilst fitting a carpet, I only found out they were not coming at 2 o'clock today I called the shop myself in bury st Edmunds, unbelievable terrible service, whose running carpetright the fitters
  4. I can only tell you all about my experience with Carpetright and you can reach your own conclusions. When I moved, the carpets needed replacing so I ordered a carpet from the samples in a Carpet right store on one of their 'crazy prices' promotions. The house was empty when it was fitted. When I saw it I know that it was not the carpet that I saw in the store and went straight in to tell them. The sample was no longer available and it had been discontinued. My complaint has been going on for over a year now. I ordered a plain beige carpet and have one that is beige with lots of dark brown splodges. Dark threads are continuing to come through as it wears. It looks permanently dirty. Carpetright do not care about customer satisfaction and seem to get a buzz out of making customers upset and frustrated. They sent an 'expert' who was employed by the carpet manufacturer who decided that there was no fault with the carpet, ignoring my complaint that it was not the one I ordered. Eventually the head of complaints a Mr Renouf listened to this aspect. After some deliberation, he simply said that it was the carpet named on the invoice and showed me a photo of a 'sample board.' I did not choose from this board. More peculiarly he maintains that the colours in the carpet are due to variations in the colours of the sheep! I put it to him that is he chose a beige wool mix suit from a shop from a swatch, then returned the suit because it had dark threads randomly in the fabric, he would not be satisfied with this response! I have not received a response from him. Apparently I do not have a case because I cannot prove that this was not the carpet I chose. Of course I can't. They destroyed the evidence. On one of these forums I read a similar story of a customer going into Carpetright and the manager shouted across to him ' you DID get the carpet you ordered.' . ..before he had even raised the subject. It seems I am not alone. I tried to take the case through my credit card protection. I was told that I had no evidence so they could not progress my complaint. I have put it to them that the invoice says 'beige' not 'beige with dark brown/ black speckles.' I have not had a response. So I am just very unlucky that a few black sheep were in the flock used for my carpet!
  5. Hi, We purchased a carpet from Carpetright and had it fitted by their self employed fitter. He had to return after two months and adjust the hall carpet because it developed a large ripple in two places. The carpet had been down for 21 months and started to breakup at the hall/lounge threshold strip. Carpetright sent out a man to inspect it and he said he would report back to the branch manager. I was then informed by Carpetright they thought it was a fitting problem. They said they would send out a fitter to rectify the problem as a gesture of goodwill. We waited in all day and he never turned up. I called Carpetright and the manager had forgotten to book the fitter for the agreed date. Eventually the fitter arrived and refitted the carpet and placed carpet tape down as an extra grip. Only a month went by and the carpet has frayed again in the hallway which is exactly the same place but this time it is even worse. I have also noticed the lounge/diner carpet looks to be going the same way.I contacted Carpetright and recorded the call.Their representative said he will report to the manufacture as it's their problem. He also stated the manufacture may say replace it or want to inspect it.I am waiting for a call from them. What I am really concerned about is the lounge /diner carpet looks like it is starting to fray at the threshold. If this has to be replaced the rooms will need to be empty.This is where the problems start I am disabled and cannot lift any of the heavy furniture or have anywhere to store it. I know the decision has not been made to replace the carpet yet but I can't keep having the fitters back to refit the carpet all the time. There is definitely a fault with it. Would carpet right be liable if I have to pay someone to remove and store my furniture ?
  6. After many months or waiting and days off work hanging around, Carpetright in Guildford have yet to finish carpetting my house. Their fitters caused damage to almost all of the woodwork in our newly-decorated house and chipped staircase/plaster/woodwork down to bare wood in places. Rather than remove a door, they ripped it off the bottom hinge and then left it hanging by the top one. They left glue stains on the walls, yes, they glued parts of the carpet which were cut too short to reach the door bars and grippers properly and they soon came loose again and now we trip over it. They left staples sticking out of the top step of the stairs which apart from cutting my foot, could have easily made someone fall down the stairs. They left rubbish everywhere including razor blade in the bath where my children almost found it (I hope there aren't any more). Every time they turn up, something goes wrong: first they fited half of the carpets and one was cut too small, then they stretched it and said never to lift it up ever again, then they lost the rest of the carpet, then re-ordered but it was damaged, then re-ordered which was wrong size, then re-ordered and said that they will fit this if it ever arrives but not do anything to rectify all the damage they have caused so far. As they are now months behind and have wasted so much time you would think at a minimum they would offer compensation. They also appeared to have completely estimated the orginal carpet, underlay and gripper size wrongly. Their employees have nothing good to say about the company and the fitters in particular say that they are treated incredibly badly by them and I sympathise a little, but carpetright are such a terrible company, they really do have no idea. All through this fiasco, I have been speaking to the manager who is hopeless at returning calls, continually lies and arranges for people to come back to put things right who don't turn up, he changes his policy for dealing with these problems every time we speak in order to delay actually dealing with the issues. His excuses are absolutely laughable, the usual one: "but that's how carpets are normally fitted" (when its clearly not reaching the doorway) is getting tiresome, He has now confirmed that they have again not ordered the right carpet and that Carptetright's official stance is that they will do NOTHING to put right the damage they have caused. When I complain to head office about the service from the store, they refer the complaint to said store...
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