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  1. Hi there. I have recently had a letter from the HM Courts Historic Debt team about a fine in 2014 that was for £930!!!! I called the Magistrates court today about this having read about statutory declarations etc and found out a bit more about the case. The offence was that i had used a car on the 16th September 2013 without tax on the A5 through milton keynes. I bought the car in November 2011 and sold it in April 2012, shortly before moving to a new house. Luckily I have a photocopy of the receipt myself and the buyer signed when she took the car, so I am confident that in the case of driving the unlicensed vehicle I have proof it was not mine. However my concern is that will the DVLA automatically come at me with a failure to notify charge. I have been involved in assisting a friend with one of these charges a long time ago and am aware that I fulfilled my obligations under the interpretations act 1978 by posting this. Can they do that there and then at court, enter a new charge, or would they need to separately summons me for that. Likewise should i prepare a defence for that possible charge anyway or should I ignore that as even being an issue until it is mentioned. I am preparing a covering letter to the DVLA/Court explaining the above (that I had sold the car, and sent off the V5 before moving out of the rented property, and I had never heard any more on this until Saturday when the letter dropped through my letterbox from the Historic Debt team. All advice would be appreciated Thankyou
  2. Received a letter on the 20th July 2017 (Despite the fact it is dated 10th July 2017) stating an imposed amount of £250 from the HM Courts and Tribunals Service. Apparently the fine was imposed at a magistrates court in October 2009. The offence occurred in March 2009. The car was registered in my name at my old address (I moved houses in July 2009). Those were the details given to me when I phoned the historic debt phone number (since the letter simply states the cost of the fine, not the reason why it was imposed etc). Was also given the name of the street the vehicle was spotted on. They advised me to fill in a statutory declaration form? How do I obtain one? Does it cost anything? I have also spoken to DVLA. The only information they could tell me was that their has been an update on the vehicle (I imagine it may have possibly been scrapped since the vehicle doesn't exist when trying to find if it is taxed or not) and that it was registered in my name at my old address. What is the best way to proceed. I bought my first car last year so clearly someone has registered the car in my name unknowingly to me. At the time I was still in college and living off EMA (£30 a week lol) so buying a car was never on the horizon. I have specific dates for when the fine was imposed and when the offence occurred if need be.
  3. Hi all, i received a letter from dvla this week saying they have photographic evidence of may car in july 2016 as not having tax. on the back of the letter it has a four part statement to fill in. What should i do ? many thanks
  4. Sorry i am new to this page and i don't know how it works well. I live in Reading and i brought a Spanish car with Spanish registration on the 8th June 2014. I brought the car into UK for bringing goodies into my home in Reading. On the 16th June 2014 a police officer stopped my partner when he was driving the car and the police officer clamped and impounded the car because the car was used in UK without a UK license and UK tax. On the 17th June i paid 260 pound fee for releasing the car from the pound and paying a surety fee. Then, i was explained that the car needed to be registered in UK or had to be removed from UK immediately. I took the car back to Spain on the 28th June 2014. On the 21st July i received a letter from the DVLA saying that i had committed an offence as i am the owner of the Spanish car that was seen on the 16th June 2014 by the police and impounded because the car wasn't licensed in the UK. The DVLA said that they have intention to take court against me with regard to the offence. That they offer me to pay an out of court settlement of 247 pounds. I send the DVLA a letter on 24th July 2014 saying that the car was no longer in the UK because i took the car back to Spain on the 28th June 2014 as the car was going to stay in the uk for a short stay. Therefore, there was no need for them to take me to court. On the 31st July 2014 i received another letter from the DVLA saying that it is an offence to use or keep an unlicensed vehicle in the UK. That i stated that the car is no longer in the UK but that i still have commited an offence. That they continue with the intention to take me to court. They say that they offer me a final opportunity to pay the out of court settlement of 247 pounds requested in the previous letter. That i should pay the 247 pound by 29/08/2014 to avoid court action. Could you help me to please!! I think i have already paid a penalty for keeping the Spanish car in the UK without UK registration and tax. Would you recommend me to write the DVLA a letter saying that they want to fine me twice for the same offence?? Thank you for the advice.
  5. Hi, I've got this kitcar to deal with, it was forgotten in a family garage since 2004/2005 neither taxed nor sorned, address might be wrong too. .. but due to a death and property sale I now need to do something with it. Manufactured and registered in '95, date of liability apparently 2005. It's worth bugger-all, some parts might be of interest to another kit car builder. .. but the engine hasn't even been started since 2004/2005. What's the best thing to do with it? It's the gap in registration/sorn that I'm now worried about. .. i.e. lots of back dated tax, or worse.. . what's the best damage limitation plan? Is there a proven damage limitation plan... If I were to SORN it, what do the DVLA do now? Just the £80/£40 fine, or backdated tax? Or worse? If I scrap it and let the DVLA know, will it just be forgotten?
  6. TDA {Trade Debt Recovery} www.tradedebtrecovery.co.uk are not licensed by anybody, chase up small 'written off' debts. They made an illegal approach to my property, and were sent packing by letter. They are now making the inference by letter that they have the right to affect your credit Rating. Just wondering how illegal they are. Could you give me your considered. Many thanks
  7. Hi all This is the first time I have posted on this forum but desperately need some advice. In early March this year, I decided to buy a new car and after much research, I purchased a second hand vehicle from a local garage. I paid £6500 for the car - £3000 cash plus £3500 part exchange for my existing vehicle, and as part of the deal I negotiated with the garage, they also threw in 6 months road tax. I picked up my car on the day arranged, exchanged the funds, checked the tax disc was in the car as arranged and left. I was happily driving around in my car for a few months believing all to be ok when on 22nd May I returned to my car after a day at work to find it clamped with stickers all over it stating the car was not taxed. I was horrified, particularly as the tax disc was showing quite clearly in the window of my car as being valid until Sept 2013! On investigation it transpired that someone had cashed the tax disc in online and that the tax disc showing in my car was not actually valid...I have no idea how someone was able to do this and it was something I was not aware of. The clamping company, VEAS, were very sympathetic to my plight as they could tell I was genuinely unaware that the tax disc was not valid, but as the car had already been clamped there was nothing they could do for me - I had to pay the clampers £260 there and then to have my car released and then go straight to the tax office the next morning and buy 6 mths road tax for my car. So in total I had to pay out £382, although I was refunded £160 back onto my card when it was confirmed I had paid for my tax. I rang the garage I bought the car from and they were shocked. They insisted they knew nothing about it and after investigation they discovered the people they had bought the car from had cashed in the tax disc and had then sold the car to the garage 2 days later as still having 9 months road tax on it. The garage had acted in good faith by accepting this and then passing the car onto myself, but they immediately agreed to refund the money I had had to pay as they knew I was at no way to blame for what had happened and I received a cheque within a few days. At that stage I thought the matter was over and done with - all fines had been paid, my car was now taxed etc etc. Imagine my surprise and concern this morning when I received a letter in the post from the DVLA stating that I had committed an offence under section 29 and that I have to pay £139 asap to stop me being taken to court!!! I will of course pay this, and then contact the garage I bought the car from to advise they will be reimbursing this further expense to me (which I have no doubt they will do with no fuss) but I work in the courts and am not allowed to have a criminal record in any way shape or form, and I am now very concerned incase this leaves me with some sort of record. I would appreciate it if anyone could offer me any words of advice on a) If I will end up with a criminal record because of this and b) how I would go about appealing such a record. Thanking you all in advance. NB - I work in the courts but am not a member of legal staff and therefore have no idea about criminal records etc just that I'm not allowed to have one so please excuse my naivety with my questions!
  8. Hi all It has been pointed out to me by a friend that works in a supermarket that their security guards do not have SIA licenses to carry out security guarding activites . I went and asked in the supermarket and spoke to a personnel manager , she told me she wasn't aware supermarket guard needed licenses as it was private property . But so are nightclubs . And also they are not employed as security they are just supermarket employees . My questions are . 1)Can these people wear clothing stating they are security ? ie jackets etc with security written on them 2)Can they legally do the job of security guards ? 3)Is a supermarket a licensed premises ? 4)Can they watch and use CCTV , which is following the public without the correct CCTV license ? (it is my belief they can only watch stock on the shelves) 5)How does the data protection act apply to them when using the CCTV ? I have many many more questions , but if i get answers to these basic questions they may no longer need answering. Thanks all
  9. Hi There, Hope someone can help us please. Today my husband received a letter from Magistrate's Office,saying he needs to pay £163 by April 2013. We had no idea what it was for,and there was no reference to it in letter. My husband is deaf,so I rang the Court on his behalf. All the lady could tell me was it was for having an unlicensed vehicle,and it dated back to June 2000,and referred to our previous address.We sold our then house in 1999,and moved 200 miles away in June 1999. The lady couldn't tell us any more info,such as what car reg it was etc. We have never had an unlicensed vehicle in our lives,this is bizarre! Looking forward to hearing from anyone who could point us in the right direction. Best wishes, Tellybabe
  10. I moved house in June amidst a huge of amount of trouble regarding divorce and a bitter custody battle for the kids. Unfortunately in the midst of all of this my tax renewal was posted to my ex-wife's house and she promptly threw it in the bin without telling me. I stupidly continue to drive around my car without ever checking the tax disc, I thought it was for renewal in March 2013 when it really ran out in July 2012. I got a police warning yesterday telling me that they have submitted a report to the DVLA and the maximum penalty is 5x the annual tax which for my car amounts to about £1200. I am currently in financial crisis after all the legal proceedings that have finished and few that are still going on. I would really like some advice on how much I might be fined (is it definitely the full amount?) so I can get an overdraft from the bank.
  11. Hi! So I was just asking for advice on what I should do in the following circumstance: I purchased my car on the 28th of April and as it was declared SORN it has not been taxed previously due to the former keeper not having insurance on it. So, on the morning of the 28th, I insured myself, nagged the insurance company to send me a cover letter so I could go to the Post Office (this was Saturday 28th) and tax it myself with the new keeper supplement and I have the tax disc displayed before obviously driving it away. Then today, I received a letter saying that photographic evidence shows that the vehicle was in used on 30th of April and was unlicensed, TWO days after I taxed it without giving me any ways of appealing even though I've followed the law and my vehicle was fully taxed two days before. Unluckily as the letter arrived today (a month and a half after the offence and a Saturday), I can't call them. But what do you think my chances are of them dropping the charges, I have taken photos of my tax disc if they want proof but I'm just so annoyed that they've put me in such a bad mood on a perfectly fine Saturday. I don't think I should have to pay the "out of court settlement fees" especially as I have broken no rules. Any one with advice on what I should do, as I only have until the 23rd before court actions, as stated in the letter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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