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  1. OK last year i set up a monthly DD to pay my car road tax. This has been paid every single month and i have never missed a payment. At the beginning of April i received a letter saying my car was not taxed the letter was dated around the middle of march. I checked my bank and found the DD for April had been paid so i assumed it must have been a mistake. I just received a second letter telling me my car was not taxed so this time i checked online and it shows my car as being not taxed. There is no reason why my car tax is not taxed. The monthly DD is still being paid and has never failed the M.O.T was renewed in March 2017 1 week before the old M.O.T was due to expire and the insurance has just been renewed a few days ago. I dont know who to contact to sort this out as all the phone numbers seem to be automated and im now worried about being finned for a mistake that is clearly the DVLA's fault. Any advice please? Thanks
  2. Just a quick question, probably a simple answer. I get paid a yearly bonus, this year it was close to £3000, but I've only ended up with £1800 home. My pay is in the region of 30k. Why am I taxed so heavily? I know I'll get taxed on all of the bonus, but it seems way more than the 20% tax rate. Is it because the system is assuming I'll get paid at that rate for the remainder of the tax year, and I'll get some back next month? or what's going on??
  3. Hi Looking for information here. We purchased a little Citroen the other day Collected it after it had been taxed at 9.10am. My wife then used it for work transport and parked it on a side road. When arriving back to her car at 2pm there was a clamp and sticker on it saying no tax. i rang the number given on the leaflet and was told car was not taxed. Yet we had purchased in the morning. The lady said the car was clamped at 10.05 in the morning. Surely DVLA would know that tax would be on it? So i paid the fine to release the clamp. £100. How do i go about getting this back as they are in the wrong. My next question is , i was going to cut the clamp off, what would be the legalities regards this??
  4. Want to share a view with you on a company and hopefully anyone is unfortunate enough to have to deal with them can save themselves a few hundred pounds. My car was declared SORN and I had to move it off a friend’s drive for 24 hours. In this time it was claimed for not being taxed on Friday 21st Feb. On Saturday I tried to call the company and they did not pick up. I got the vehicle insured for a few hours so I could tax it. On Monday I called the office of Redcorn LTD on ...... several times, no-one picked up. On Monday afternoon, they removed my vehicle and while in the process of doing so I called (from work) and got the engaged tone. However they took the vehicle despite it being taxed. I also sent a fax to them and they did not respond to this. Today I called their offices again and no one picked up. Via the TRACE website I was given the DVLA claiming number of 0300 300 1496. They told me they were powerless to do anything as Redcorn were hired by Barnet Council. They did call Redcorn and of course they picked up within 2 rings. The DLVA passed my details to them and they called me back after a few minutes. I was advised that there was a fee of £281 to do so, so they charged me for the claim, over the weekend, when I could not call them. The “kindly” agreed to reduce the fee over the weekend by £42. Of course, if they had picked up the phone on Monday (or even the weekend) this would have been £100. I now have to pay £141 extra and take the time off work tomorrow since they are only open between 8AM-5PM Monday to Friday. If you are unfortunate enough to be clamped by this company do go via the DVLA to get a response. I will be writing this all up and taking my call logs to the DVLA and Barnet Council respectively. Obviously Redcorn LTD use CLI to screen calls and rack up money forcing clients to go down to them or go via other routes, racking up money along the way. Could the company remove my car despite the fact it had been taxed?
  5. Hi Friend just had her ppi claim upheld, sent her an offer of £3200 minus £417 for tax base rate at 20% for 8% compensation, she is just a normal tax payer is this about right. Any thoughts please Tinks
  6. I hope someone can help clarify my options and give me any advice. Two weeks ago I returned to my car and discovered it had been clamped for not paying road tax. I had honestly not realised that my vehicle was not taxed - as most people presumably do, I renew the tax when I receive the reminder. The tax ran out on 31st January and I have received no renewal notice nor any correspondence once the car was no longer taxed. In the period the car has been un-taxed, I have renewed both the MOT and insurance so I am obviously not trying to avoid my responsibilities. I definitely did not receive any correspondence from the DVLA since the previous year (which did come to the same correct address). From what I can find online, it seems to be a common occurrence for the DVLA to send documents to the wrong address. I have paid the fee to have the vehicle unclamped and paid the road tax. However, I have now received what looks like a standard letter from the DVLA offering me an "out of court settlement" of £327 which also states it is a fine only and does not include any duty. I am unsure what to do. This was a simple oversight due to not receiving any correspondence from the DVLA. I acknowledge that I have committed an offense but I am not someone actively trying to evade paying my taxes/insurance etc. Does the DVLA have a legal requirement to send a reminder notice? Or a requirement to follow up when a vehicle is not taxed - so that I would have received some communication from the DVLA earlier and a significantly smaller fine? I am not sure whether to simply pay the fine, though by reading the letter as it does not include any duty, I might then have to pay that in addition. That means for a simple oversight I would be fined almost £500 which seems rather excessive. On the other hand I could ask the court for mercy as it was a simple oversight and the DVLA should bear some responsibility. Can anyone shed some light on my options and the possible outcomes? Or does anyone know of any similar cases? Thanks for your help.
  7. Hi guys, First post here. I found the forum while on google. I don't have any paperwork infront of me so I will just give you the basic outline of my story minus all the road traffic act BS etc. My motorbike was up for sale, so I put a full MOT and 12 months TAX on to help sell it. It didn't sell and it just sat in my shed. A few months went by and I got a demand from the DVLA as my bike was no longer insured. I had to insure it or sorn it. I could return the tax disc for a refund. Failure to do so would end up with penalty or court. Being disorganized, I had lost the new tax disc and admittedly didn't get my butt into action. A couple of weeks later, I got an automatic fine. I complained because the first letter had not given me a deadline to act by. I think this is poor practice as any government service should work to clearly defined deadlines and procedures. Naturally my complaint got ignored and I paid the fine to avoid further penalty. I requested a V33 lost tax disc form via the DVLA but they didn't send one. I therefore sent back the tax refund/SORN decleration form as requested, only minus the tax disc. I did this to at least declare sorn and avoid any more grief. The form was returned to me saying that I cannot claim for a refund on my tax disc without the tax disc (fair enough) and enclosed a missing tax disc form. This form makes you sign an agreement whereby the DVLA may keep £12 of the refund. A 2 month refund on a £60 tax disc is less than that! I really wasn't fussed about the refund (I'd already been stung) and didn't return the form. About a month passed by and I got a court summons for a repeat offense. I complained and wrote to my local MP. The response I got was late (according to their own response guidelines) and they notified me for the first time, that my SORN was rejected for not returning the tax disc. This had NEVER been mentioned to me before. The letter I received only ever mentioned monetary interests for returning the disc. They gave me a 9.45am court date in SWANSEA - I live in Luton. They instructed me to return my non guilty plea to them. I contacted the court a couple of days before and they said I should have contacted the court directly and could have the hearing at my local court. Why did they not make me aware of this? The DVLA have basically made the process as difficult as possible. They refused to give me any vehicle information over the phone because of the court date. A written request could be made with a cost attached, but they would not guarantee the information's arrival until AFTER the court date. They haven't been clear about rejecting my SORN declaration an gave me incorrect information about the SORN declaration process. I should be shocked that this is a GOVERNMENT organisation, but I'm not. I also don't believe that I will win or receive a fair trial, but I am going to stand up in court and have my say. I have been compiling as much evidence as possible to illustrate their incompetence and resistance to helping me resolve the issues. There is a hearing next week in Swansea to discuss having the summons in Luton. What an expensive and ridiculous process! TYPICAL!!!! I shall keep you all posted!
  8. Hi! So I was just asking for advice on what I should do in the following circumstance: I purchased my car on the 28th of April and as it was declared SORN it has not been taxed previously due to the former keeper not having insurance on it. So, on the morning of the 28th, I insured myself, nagged the insurance company to send me a cover letter so I could go to the Post Office (this was Saturday 28th) and tax it myself with the new keeper supplement and I have the tax disc displayed before obviously driving it away. Then today, I received a letter saying that photographic evidence shows that the vehicle was in used on 30th of April and was unlicensed, TWO days after I taxed it without giving me any ways of appealing even though I've followed the law and my vehicle was fully taxed two days before. Unluckily as the letter arrived today (a month and a half after the offence and a Saturday), I can't call them. But what do you think my chances are of them dropping the charges, I have taken photos of my tax disc if they want proof but I'm just so annoyed that they've put me in such a bad mood on a perfectly fine Saturday. I don't think I should have to pay the "out of court settlement fees" especially as I have broken no rules. Any one with advice on what I should do, as I only have until the 23rd before court actions, as stated in the letter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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