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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, Just after some advice about whether it's worth me disputing this fine or whether it's entirely my own fault! Paid my car tax by direct debit for the last two years. Last year I moved house, sent off my V5 change of address to DVLA and thought no more about it. This week I received a penalty notice stating my car hadn't been taxed since March 1st - news to me! I called the DVLA and it turns out my new V5 was returned to the DVLA last year as 'undelivered' and I had never noticed it hadn't arrived. Apparently this meant my direct debit wasn't renewed for the year and so my car was left untaxed. Could I have expected the DVLA to have been in touch at any point, either to say my V5 had been sent back, my dd wasn't renewing or my tax had expired? Without checking my dd has left the bank every month I'm not sure how else I'm meant to have known, and I'm annoyed at having to pay a fine! Is it my own fault for not noticing the V5 hadn't shown up?
  2. Hi, Firstly, sorry if this is the wrong section. I wasn't sure if it should go in the retail forum or not. Earlier this year I (an individual) entered into an agreement with a company whereby I rent a web server from them. At the time of entering the agreement the Distance Selling Regulations (2000) were still in force. There was no minimum term to this contract, and there's no obligation for me to renew at the end of each renewal period. I make manual renewal payments each month by logging into their website, and clicking 'Renew' next to the relevant service. The expiry date of the service is listed next to the 'Renew' button and the subsequent page allows for the selection of the renewal duration (1 month, 3 months, etc). If I want to cancel a server, I do not need to contact the company. Non-payment/non-renewal is considered cancellation. An administrative mishap last month led to their systems automatically deleting one of my servers which involves wiping its hard disks to the point where data recovery is impossible. This deletion has caused inconvenience and loss of data. I still have one server with them, but I am no longer able to trust them, and am worried the same mistake may occur with this server this month. I've therefore moved all data from it to another provider. Their current contract is still worded pursuant to DSR and allows a customer to cancel within 7 days without giving reason. I contacted the company informing them that I wish to use my right under the Consumer Contracts Regulations (2013) to cancel the server, and expect a pro-rated refund for the time remaining in this renewal period. They replied stated they did not believe my rights under CCR reply as I am on a "rolling monthly contract". However, it's my contention that every time I manually renew the server, a new contract is formed (for the duration of the renewal period I select) along with all the rights and protections afforded by the CCR. What do you think? Am I within my rights to cancel this renewal? Thanks
  3. Hi all! I maybe putting this question in the wrong subject? But me and my husband are wanting to renew our tenancy agreement for renting a flat and want to do another year. But want to know wot happens etc... we also have to pay a fee of £60! We don't mind that but want to know what they do with that money? Our landlord lives a long way away so we mostly have the agency look after us so we just want to know what we have to do to say we want to add another year on... thank u all and have a LOVELY Sunday!
  4. I have a wee issue. We moved into our house in December 2012 for which we received the Gas Safety Certificate. As of this date, we have never received a new certificate from December 2013, and the landlord has never mentioned it. I'm fully aware they're breaking the law ... so what should I do? I have another ongoing issue which is they haven't protected my deposit so will be going to court, so I'm not really in the mood to discuss this latest issue with them, I'd rather just report them and let them answer to the appropriate authority. Who do I need to report my landlord to? What can I do about getting a new certificate? Many thanks.
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