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  1. :oops:Hi, I've lived 6 months in Stevenage and had to leave the flat without receiving my deposit of £550 from my Estate Agents and having to pay a debt of £690 to the energy company. I paid £140 to the energy company and told the estate agents to pay the £550 with the deposit, so they will be sure that everything has been paid and I can be sure that they give my money (the flat was in perfect state after leaving). After almost 3 months of phone calls and emails to both the agents (who acted very vaguely and ignored me) and the energy company, which acted very kindly telling me that I will receive more letters remembering my debt to them until I pay but nothing more. The problem is the 21st of August of this year I received one letter from Debt Managers (Services) Ltd. with my energy company's account number their name, and my £550 debt. One curious fact is that the address the energy company has have some error due to my pronounciation over the phone. And the letter from Debt Managers has the same spelling error in the address so I first thought they were sent by the energy company to solve their debts but I couldn't confirm this. The 16th of September I won my dispute for my deposit of £550 and I was about to pay the energy company when I see that someone had paid my £550 debt the 4th of September and I don't know (nor the energy company) who was because it was paid by cheque. I haven't received any phone call from my estate agents or landlord, so I doubt they have paid the amount and then lost the deposit (£1100?) so I looked for some info about the debt managers having paid the debt, which could be but seems totally illegal/unfair to me, specially when I wasn't even informed of that from the energy company. So I tried to phone the energy company and sent them 2 emails which they haven't answered yet. Yesterday, I received another letter, this time from Russel+Aitken (Russel and Aitken) LLP's Solicitors Debt Recovery, stating the same details: the energy company as Creditor, my client reference number, a reference number from Debt Managers and the same £550 as balance due, which were paid since the 4th of September. The letter advised that their clients, Debt Managers are considering proceeding with Court Action against me in respect of my account with my creditor (the energy company? why is the energy company a creditor if I haven't asked them to lend me money?). They continue telling me to pay Debt Managers and if I do NOT respond to this letter and they do NOT proceed with Court Action, my file MAY BE passed to Debt Managers' Investigation Bureau or doorstep agents. Well, I'm living in Spain right now, receiving all these letters and are they going to send doorstep agents to my house? At least some holidays for them... I've read in this forum that in these cases, you have to send a CCA request letter by Recorded Delivery with £1 as posting costs? Is this correct? But from Spain, I don't now if the proceedings are the same and if I have to include £1 (here we have €). Also, I would like to know if failing to respond them would carry problems for me in Spain, in the UK, in the rest of Europe or with my english bank account: as I have read, debt is not a crime in the UK, so bailiffs or the inability to obtain a VISA are not to be dreaded. As long as I see it, if anybody pays my fees and doesn't even worry to tell me, why do I owe him that money? He paid with his money for free and I wasn't informed or asked if I wanted to accept that change in conditions. In addition, today I have (definitely) contacted the energy company and asked for a written confirmation that my account balance is £0 and my account closed. After that, I told them the story and they told me to pay nothing to them, they confirmed that the £550 payment was made by cheque or similar and not by credit card, because they don't have the account number of the payer and that I'm not going to receive any more letters from them in the future. Hope it's true... Sorry for the 7 paragraph letter but I wanted to be the most accurate as possible. Also, I'm not sure if this thread goes here nor if there is any other similar thread as my case. In any case, thank you very much for bothering to read and any help you could provide. And congratulations for the Consumer Forums!!
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