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Found 2 results

  1. Legal Professional Privilege is this now under threat? What with the new interception powers (RiPA) and more, the Legal profession are concerned that legal privilege maybe under threat.. See here >> http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/news/press-releases/lawyers-call-for-statutory-protection-of-lawyer-client-communications/ 'Lawyers are under a legal and professional duty to keep their clients’ affairs confidential. But LPP is particularly important because it prevents a third party – including a state official – from gaining access to and making use of lawyer-client communications without the client’s knowledge and consent.' In October 2015 the Law Society said this >> 'Joint press release from the Law Society and the Bar Council The statutory protection of legally privileged communications between lawyers and their clients should be high on the agenda when parliament debates major new surveillance legislation next month. The Bar Council and the Law Society have called for legal professional privilege to receive statutory protection in the forthcoming Investigatory Powers Bill.' Do you want to know more then please feel free to read the attachment... PDF from here >> https://tinyurl.com/jaumllq
  2. Experts of CAG, I hope you can assist ... I'm embroiled in a ET claim against a former employer for unfair dismissal. But, I'm encountering significant resistance from the Respondent's representatives. Their solicitors were ordered by the ET to prepare the Bundle. However every piece of incriminating evidence I have against their client that I want included, they challenge the relevance over. Even after I explain the relevance, they still reject the explanations and refuse to include them. Plus, their male solicitor has been incredibly condescending to me as well, making me feel a proper fool almost every step of the way! Even though, I *KNOW* I have a strong case, and I think tat is why he is giving me such a hard time and pushing back. As the Claimant, I am 100% positive these documents are relevant and critical to my case!! I think their solicitor is intentionally dragging this out, wasting my time and trying to bully me. I really have few options now, and I thought I'd come to the good people of CAG for some help. I know there are some very smart people on here who might, in the interest of the holidays, help me out. I really will be grateful for any, any, ANY time you can offer! It the solicitor and I cannot agree on the Bundle, what recourse do I have? Can I take over responsibility for putting the Bundle together myself, so I will be in control? The ET Order stipulated the Respondent should put it together since it appeared they had most of the original documents. Over time, however, that has not been true; I actually wound up being in possession of most of the original documents. If I did that, other than costs, what other risks are there? Will their solicitor be ale to make demands of me now in an attempt to start driving up my costs? I think most of the documents have already been exchanged - disclosure has been ongoing since 12/09 - so I think we're at the end. I just want to ensure the documents I want are included. Should I apply to the ET for a Case Management Discussion (CMD) to have the Tribunal decide what should go in or not? What would that request look like? Lastly, if I have been sent documents which the solicitor later claimed were covered by privilege, but I feel that these documents demonstrate that the Respondent is intentionally violating the law, how can I get those considered for inclusion by the ET? I would be eternally grateful to anyone out there who could assist this poor woman in distress!! Happy Christmas and Holdiays to you all, and thank you, thank you, thank you for whatever hep you can provide! Ever Yours, Emma P
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