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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, first post here and apologies if you've seen my post on other forums, but I am in need of help to claim my Permanent residence certificate as a EEA citizen in UK. Hello, the original formulation of article 6(2-3-4) of the The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 were as follows: The amendment introduced 3.12.2013 have modified the interpretation of retained worker status and jobseeker: and: For the purpose of counting periods of unemployment as exercising treaty rights matured before 2014 (and only for that period), will the new regulations apply or the old one? Looking forward to your valuable feedback.
  2. I have booked for 4 people to visit Venice in June via Love Holidays. On my booking it had our dates of birth all as 28.5.86 which obviously wasn't right. I informed them of our correct dates of birth by e-mail as they never answer the phone and had an e-mail back to say that that was all OK. I have now received another e-mail from them to say that will cost £90 each from the agents and £25 each for their company. £115 each making £460 extra. this wsn't really an amendment as I had not been asked for dates of birth and certainly didn't give them that date for all of us. I am fuming mad! Can anyone help at all? I have threatened them with ABTA and am prepared to take it to the highest person. Many thanks in advance.
  3. The new bailiff regulations came into effect on 6th April 2014 and a most welcome change was that with the exception of CCJ's £600 that are transferred to the High Court each debt type (council tax arrears, unpaid road traffic debts and magistrate court fines) now has fixed bailiff fees (Compliance Fee of £75 and Enforcement Fee of £235). To bring the enforcement of unpaid magistrate court fines into line with the new regulations it was necessary to amend the Magistrate Courts Act 1980 and this was achieved under a series of amendments outlined in paragraph 45 of Schedule 13 of the Tribunals, Courts & Enforcement Act 2007. On the same date (6th April 2014) the Magistrate's Courts Rules 1981 were also amended to provide that the person owing the court fine would in future be referred to as a 'debtor'. Part 52 of the Criminal Procedure Rules (Enforcement of fines and others order for payment) outlines the procedure that must be followed when a warrant of control (previously a warrant of distress) is enforced by a bailiff/enforcement agent. As a consequence of Part 3 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, and the associated Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 and the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 coming into effect on 6th April 2014 the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee has brought the rules up to date. The changes are outlined in the new Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2015 which were laid in Parliament a few days ago.
  4. I hope you guys will be kind enough to help. I'm currently going through an employment tribunal. 1st the solicitors refused to accept that I have any disability. I provided evidence recently and today they wrote back saying they still refuse to concede my disability status. I sent them my summary Dyslexia report, confirmation letters from GP various medical problems and letters from the companies who help with my disability needs. I also stated some of the effects the above disabilities have had on me. This doesn't seem to be enough. I cannot advise how long I have been Dyslexic other to advise them it could assumed from birth. The other problems in excess a decade. This is what they are saying, I quote: ...The respondent does not concede the claimants alleged disability status. The claimant provided the respondent with information regarding his alleged medical conditions...the documentation supplied does not provide the respondent with sufficient evidence to make a concession in relation to the disability status. The limited documentation provided by the claimant indicates that he has, at certain times, suffered from various medical conditions… 1. They want sufficient evidence which confirms how long these alleged issues have lasted. 2. Provide evidence (medical or otherwise) effects on normal day to day activities including my ability to carry out these day-day activities. I advised I will provide them more evidence in due course once I have them. I already have provided some evidence to them. I am very surprised how difficult they are being. My previous employer has phenomenal resources and has hired an expensive leading law firm. They want this discussed at the CMD and also want various things struck out due to time bar but I wasn't in a position to file my claim then. Further, I have advised all these issues have lasted over a year and or expected to last for life. I am new to all this and self-representing which they are aware of. Many thanks, PS: I have asked for help from elsewhere.
  5. Disability discrimination claim. The Respondent is producing the bundle. I have sent them my index of documents with each document very efficiently named and dated for clarity, relevancy and easy navigation. The Respondent completely renamed all of my documents within the index to make themselves sound good and to make my documents difficult to find seem extremely confusing, sound irrelevant and also to contain repetitive document names for less clarity and greater confusion. Some of the names of documents they’ve renamed do not reflect the contents of the documents in any way whatsoever and even I can’t navigate between the documents due to misleading names in the index – it will be even worse for the judge who will not be as familiar with my documents as I am. The Respondent also changed some of the dates, merged separate unrelated documents to reduce impact and deliberately put them in an incorrect order, which does not accurately reflect events. For instance, if I quickly need to find my x-ray taken at A&E I would not be able to do so with the way they altered the bundle as the Respondent merged my x-ray with a different document and this particular x-ray is not even listed on the Index of documents. This is wrong. You would really have to hop around the bundle. Most important documents have been put to the back of the bundle, some have been removed. The Respondent went out of their way to make it impossible to get to my documents while left their own very well named and easy to navigate between. The Respondent even renamed documents to make themselves look good and the Claimant look bad. They even changed words like “Medicines” to “Drugs”. The Respondent totally skewed it. Is the Respondent allowed to rename the documents listed in the Index of Documents I submitted and make such changes for deliberate misrepresentation? Also, is the Respondent allowed to remove documents? The Respondent has missed the deadline for the bundle by several weeks now, added additional documents as to what was on their list of documents and also presented the bundle to me (Claimant) by email (in digital form). Can they do this? – The order says it has to be binded. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best regards x
  6. Got a judgement against a thug who owe me 4 grand. Unfortunately judgment registered on his trading address and on trading name. He changed his trading name along with his trading address. It is 2 years since the judgment registered but he never bothered to pay, and actually went on benefits (by hiding all of his assets / resources and transferred to his relatives names). Now when I search the judgement register I do not find anything against him (on his name). I want to make following changes in the judgment so that at least his name should appear in county court judgments register: 1. Register judgment on his name (Exclude trading name) 2. Change his address How can I do it? OR Should I issue a new claim with correct details referring to previous judgment? Any expert help or somebody went through this scenario please share your experience.
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