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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys / gals Not been around these parts for a while, hope you experts are all well ( merry xmas). Your advice has sorted me out many a time. May I add, I have had a couple of beers while typing this, so bare with me if it does not make sense. I will cut to the chase, my partner recently died. she was only 52 and was the sole signature on the council rent book. I have shown the council that I have lived in the property ( 1 bedroom flat ) for the last 2 years, and have asked to keep the flat on. She died 3 weeks ago, and I have not heard anything from them yet? do I have a chance of keeping the flat, and what sort of notice period can they give me? kind regards Mr Noughts
  2. We have recently moved in to a property that is treated as two for Council Tax purposes: a main house and a "granny flat". The previous owners used it that way, but we regard it as a single property and will be using the granny flat as overflow bedrooms for when we have large numbers staying. It is not practical to try to rent out the granny flat for reasons of privacy. Under the council tax rules if both of us are registered in one property and the other is shown as empty, we will pay a 50% premium on the empty property. If we register at one property each we get a discount for single occupancy. Do we have a right to do this?
  3. Hi My girlfriend and I live 170 miles away from each other, and both have our own rented accommodation on which we pay council tax and claim our sole occupancy (single persons discount) for each property. Recently, due to my office being closer to my girlfriends house, I am spending around 4-5 days a week at her house whilst at work through the week, and some weekends, and returning to my home for a couple of days. She has just received a letter asking her to confirm that she is still a single occupant. Are we still technically single occupants in our newer situation, as we both pay council tax on our own properties? Thanks
  4. Morning all My Housing Association wrongly told my council that my house has 4 bedrooms which meant my Housing Benefit was cut and I had to pay the bedroom tax. Yesterday the HA finally said it is a 3 bed house. As money is very very scarce at the moment how do I claim this money back? The HA said they wont give me a refund as my rent is already set for a 3 bed house. Many thanks for all help and advice. LT
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