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Found 3 results

  1. We have recently moved in to a property that is treated as two for Council Tax purposes: a main house and a "granny flat". The previous owners used it that way, but we regard it as a single property and will be using the granny flat as overflow bedrooms for when we have large numbers staying. It is not practical to try to rent out the granny flat for reasons of privacy. Under the council tax rules if both of us are registered in one property and the other is shown as empty, we will pay a 50% premium on the empty property. If we register at one property each we get a discount for single occupancy. Do we have a right to do this?
  2. Hi All, So I bit the bullet... Got two defaults... 1 x Lowell's was Orange 1 year left before disappears into the ether, two figure value - probably was a final charge after termination of contract - notice given to terminate on month 23 to end on month 24 (end of). They stated could only terminate from month 24 - I said err no - its a two year contract - I don't wish to continue etc - PAN given (retained old number on new contract - also with EE) Other is RBS - 4 figure with a 1 and 5 at front. OD was limited to 500. About 18 months left to run before disappear. I changed banks to my current due to circumstances - NOA ignored - bad times for me back then (health / work / woman). Charges on Charges on Charges probably make up the bulk. Don't want to wake the hornets. Will do so if they decide to chase with SAR and then will reclaim. Anyway score is trashed 1/5 - what difference will adding the ER information gain me ? Rest of it is healthy, credit cards balances (I pay in full every month and use card every month for spending - just had another increase this year - the third) Water is reported now (WTF!) Bank accounts are shown as zero o/s on monthly updates. Just wanted to know if getting the ER info from the LA will make a difference - been on it for 5 years at current - not recorded. Cheers N
  3. At work our main union has elected reps, that are voted for each year by the workforce There is a minority union that has around 5% of the workforce and they have a union rep that has elected themselves to represent the few people in his union (not elected or voted for by anyone , he just does it as he used to be a union rep) and another person that has elected themselves as there health and safety rep Now can these two turn up at staff side/management meetings and claim to reps of the "workforce" even though nobody has ever voted for them or elected them ??
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