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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, Last year I had sold my car privately on 01/07/2013. This was due to the fact that my father had died and my mother had sold me his car. Therefore I had to sell my car. I sold it on this date and sent the v5c form within a two week period of it being sold. I knew it was within two weeks as I was back at work at the end of July and I had also met with the new owners of the car 3 weeks later when they found some CDs under the seat. They asked me if I had sent it and of course I said that yes I had. That was that. (Again unfortunate that I did not have exact date of posting but I had dad's funeral to worry about). I did not ring DVLA after 4 weeks of it being sold , as we know it is not statutory in law and because I was dealing with everything else at the time - helping with dads funeral, sorting out my mum and dealing with family matters. I receive a requsition on Thursday evening saying that I had to answer the charge that on 31/07/2013 I failed to deliver notification to the Secretary of State the registration document. It is asking me to make my plea. The witness statement says that no proof was given that I had given them necessary details for them to believe that I had informed them. I did indeed send it off, my partner is witness to me putting it in an envelope and posting it. At the time I unfortunately did not use recorded delivery but I had other things on my mind and didn't realise that I would need to use any recorded delivery. (I know better for the future to use recorded!) What are my next steps in order to try and resolve this? I'm am in no way a criminal and have been very upset and stressed by this letter. I am worried that it will effect my job as a teacher and basically ruin my career.
  2. Does anybody know wy there is a clicking noise coming from my wetern digital caviar 640gb hard drive ? Pc is not recognising it. When i boot up windows its freezes at the windows start up screen ? When the drive is connected everything seems to be very slow. As soon as the drive is disconnected everything speeds up ?
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