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Found 2 results

  1. Hi All. I wonder if anyone has encountered a similar situation. I booked some tickets for flights with Arik airlines on the 9th Feb. Arik have since suspended all flights from the UK since they are in financial trouble. After contacting travel trolley numerous times, I have been told that i cannot get a refund until they hear back from Arik airlines. So far, all their queries to Arik have gone unattended (so they say). I booked these tickets with a visa debit card. Where do i stand in terms of a refund? The thing about this all is that i need the money back so i can re book those tickets with another airline, and i am due to travel in April. What is the best way around this??
  2. Hello everyone, I would be extremely grateful for any help or advice that any of you may have regarding a recent incident in which my car was damaged by a shopping trolley. I will try to make this as clear and simple as possible. Earlier on today I parked my vehicle in a council managed car park that adjoins the local Waitrose supermarket. Not liking supermarkets very much I decided to wait in the car whilst my partner went in for a few bits. The space I chose happens to be next door to a marked trolley bay. Whilst I am waiting a customer pushes their trolley in to trolley bay area. At this point, the trolley deflects of another trolley and protrudes through an opening in the barrier and in to the side of my car. The barrier is one of the scaffold bar types which has large openings. Getting out to inspect my car I find a nasty gouge that will sadly require body shop repair. My contention is that Waitrose, the local authority or in fact both parties have a duty of care and that duty of care has been breached. I believe this to be the case because the purpose built trolley bay does not adequately contain trolleys which in turn exposes car park users vehicle's to risk of damage. I would be very grateful for any thoughts on this matter. Kind regards, timetoshine
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