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Found 4 results

  1. I have been a Three customer for a few years recently ended our relationship on the basis that I consider that they have breached our latest contract by not providing the service as expected. Since the first year I have been with Three I had to constantly complain about the quality of the service, in particular the fact that I had no phone signal at home and little signal everywhere I went in the UK, from Cornwall all the way up to Scotland. I had at most three bars, but more often one or two, with the result that I was unable to make calls or calls were dropped in the middle; this even happened regularly when phoning Three support. They would also often complain that they couldn’t hear me properly when I called them. Each time I complained and also when they were trying to get me to sign an update contract they promised that the network was being improved and promised that within the term of the contract it would get better and to compensate me for the poor service at the time they gave me a 50% reduction on my monthly payment they also sent me a device to connect to my internet router which gave me a three bar signal at home some of the time. This pattern was repeated each year until this year. I renewed the contact and upgraded my phone in March this year, but found instead of improving the signal got worst. I complained to them again, they said there was nothing they could do about it and refused to provide any sensible discount in lieu of the poor service. I decided I had had enough. I therefore told them that as far as I was concerned they were in breach of the agreement as they had not provided the service they had been contracted to provide. I then went to O2 instead and now have a fantastic full strength signal almost everywhere I go! Of course Three don’t acknowledge the breach and have sent a bill for over £900 which they claim is due for cancelling the contract. I don’t intend to pay this bill and will defend my position in court if necessary. However, my main concern is that they will probably mark a default on my credit file which I do not want. my first question is this; can they legally issue a default, or mark a file over an account which is in dispute? If not, is there anything else I need to do to ensure the account is legally recognised as in dispute? Thanks.
  2. How can my Mother cancel a 12 month contract when it comes to an end without telephoning? Tenmencount
  3. My partner and I have both been relatively satisfied customers of 3 mobile since June 2013 until the last 6 months or so, as in and around our home we keep having complete signal outages where call attempts are either completely unsuccessful or drop after 30 seconds or so. Once I gave up and drove 20 minutes to see the business I was trying to call (they had thought I was prank calling as it kept connecting then cutting off!). Once I was making an essential call to ESA - an 0345 number - calling first thing to avoid queues, but ended up having to use my landline costing me money (and almost 20 minutes in a queue after faffing around trying to make the call). At this point on 16/09/16 I put in an online complaint form, part of that was asking them to pay the £2.47 the call cost me, as the cost was only incurred due to their not providing the service I pay for - to date no response whatsoever. Then the last straw on Friday, waiting for a text from my brother - kind of important since we were arranging to meet in order for me to to drive us 65 miles to see our dying grandfather! BUT just at the wrong moment - no signal! Causing me severe distress and an almost panic attack, in case we missed the visiting hours on possibly our last visit. Luckily my partner used his old phone to call my brother. Then his text turned up when we were nearly there, 2 hours later - thanks for that 3! To give some context - I am suffering severe mental health issues just now and this is not helping. I need my phone to liaise with ESA, keep in touch with family and await the inevitable call about my grandfather. Adding insult to injury, they keep telling me to use ThreeIntouch - well I would, if it was available for windows, which is the phone you sold me!! Again, thanks for that. I used the online complaint form on 16/09/16 and not had any reply whatsoever. There are no email addresses or any other useful way to complain. I suppose I will have to write a letter, paying for printer ink and proof of receipt postage. Currently waiting for a response from the twitter team, tagging them to show my full story and writing this to see if anyone has any ideas / has had experience dealing with 3 complaints procedures.
  4. An interesting one that could end up with severe consequences if found out to be true.
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