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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everyone, I`m new here and need some good advise from you all. I received yesterday a Court Claim form from Lowell solicitors. They claim over £400 for Three mobile debt. I was on contract from August 2010, last my monthly payment i made in Nov or Dec 2010 cos after i lost my job and cannot afford to pay. I need some advise please how to and what to fill in this claim form? I`m not very confident in law. I read lots of posts there before posting but still not understand about CPR 31.14 request, response time, statute barred debt.. . I`m already fully stressed and anxious and at the moment feel like is no way out from this situation, i cannot afford to pay to them as have only part time job and low income. Thanks
  2. An interesting one that could end up with severe consequences if found out to be true.
  3. I have been reading the stickies at the top of this forum regarding charges/penalties being applied to a customers account for not paying by Direct Debit. I had a similar argument with Virgin Media, but rather than pursue it further with them, I cancelled my contract with them as I only had just over 30 days left to go anyway. However, my attention was then aimed towards my mobile provider, Three/Hutchison 3G, also applying a 'Payment method administration charge' of £4.08 each month to both of my contracts with them. Technically, the 'Payment method administration charge' is just a fancy name they give for the Non DD Payment Charge. I have politely asked Three to provide me with evidence that by not paying by Direct Debit each month causes them significant cost to process my payment. I have had one response so far. What is my next course of action? Is this worth pursuing and are these charges actually unfair? Thanks
  4. Hi I purchased an iPhone 5 from three's clearance website. The phone started to drop calls randomly a few months in and would never achieve a good signal. I took it to apple who confirmed there was a hardware fault with the handset and called 3, they also confirm this. The handset is just past apples 1 year warranty but 6 months into 3's 12 month guarentee on the handset. When i called them i asked for the phone to be repaired or replaced, they inform me that the phone is no longer made by apple and that i would need to take it to apple to be fixed/replaced there at a cost of £220. I cannot afford this and asked them if they could exchange the phone for a newer model ( iPhone 5S ) or release me from the contract. After a lot of call backs from 3 they offer me the 5C as an exchange. I refused the offer saying that i would like to have my original one repaired as I dont want a plastic exterior and that asked to be released from the contract. Unsurprisingly they refused this. Im not trying to get a 5S because its the latest one, I simply want my phone fixed or a new one that is like for like as the iPhone 5 is no longer made. My question is: What can I do about this in regards to getting my iPhone repaired or 3 releasing me from the contract? Thanks
  5. Hello people, 1st post here although been a member for a while, didn't realise I needed advice until now. Anyway, to the point of this post. I recently received a letter from Lowell portfolio 1 dated 07-02-13. It states 'You Have Not Repaid Your Account' and goes on to say that I can pay them up until 28-02-13 at which point Lucas Credit Services will be instructed to pursue me for this debt. On closer inspection there is a Lowell account number and an original account number from Three Mobile. Now I've been a customer of H3G since 10-11-04 and my payment record with them is perfect. I also had another account with them for my ex wife's phone which is the one they claim is in debt. I opened this account almost a year later on 06-09-05 on a 1 year contract, This was renewed each year until 26-08-08 when (after advice from 3 customer service) I gave 30 days notice to terminate the contract. This was given over the phone and also in writing around the time of contract expiry which by my reckoning was 06-09-08. I didn't cancel the direct debit and the last payment on the account was on 26-09-08. I have received no further communication from 3 concerning that account since the date of the last payment. I have since checked my credit report (experian and equifax) and the account has been defaulted, seemingly by Lowell. The date of the default is 11-04-09 more than 7 months after the last payment. No bills or statements were received from 3 in that period and my other account continues uninterrupted to this day. Now I'm not concerned about the collection company but obviously I'm not happy about the default. What I need to know is the best course of action to get this removed from my credit file. I've tried to reason with the customer service people at 3 but they won't tell me anything. All they seem to know is that it's a very old account. Any help or advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Waring d Mask
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