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Found 5 results

  1. Compensation is to be paid to 59,000 customers of Buy as You View, which rents out furniture, TVs and other electronic goods on hire purchase. The City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), raised concerns about the clarity of fees and the treatment of customers in arrears. It also questioned the way customers were given payment meters to restrict access to TVs. Dunraven Finance will pay £939,000 in compensation. The company, which uses the trading name Buy as You View, will pay an average of nearly £16 per customer, by adjusting bills or in cash payments. It will contact customers directly. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35871214
  2. Hi I have had an offer from LTSB regarding a loan dating back to 1995ish. They say that because of the time-lapse they cannot find any details even though they have the loan account number. Their offer is £1200 which they say is the average. Any thoughts on this? suvin50
  3. The FCA handed out the following fines to RBS group in 2014: 27/08/14 - £14,474,000 11/11/14 - £217,000,000 20/11/14 - £42,000,000 Total for all banks is £1,159,709,700 So it looks like the government will be getting it's bailout fee twice over.
  4. Business Secretary Vince Cable has proposed a cut in how much workers can claim for unfair dismissal at employment tribunals. He will consult on plans to cut the limit on compensation payouts to a maximum of 12 months' salary. He also wants to bring in settlement agreements, in which staff agree to leave without being able to go to a tribunal, but get a pay-off in return. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19594879
  5. I am about to enter into negotiations with my employers for my employment to end through a compromise agreement. I am just enquiring whether anyone can advise what I can expect to receive. I have worked for my employers for 10.5 years and I know that they will have to pay 10 weeks notice plus holidays accrued. I am just wondering what I can expect for compensation. The reason this has come about is that I have been off sick since August 2012 and am now in the process of claiming ESA and I dont know when I will be ready to return to work so the best thing is if we came to some agreement. Any advice would be appreciated.
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