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Found 2 results

  1. I ordered "DDR4 3200MHz 32GB Vengeance Black - Red LED". When I received my delivery it was for "DDR4 3200MHz 16GB Vengeance Black - Red LED" which is half the memory size of what was advertised and actually purchased 16GB (Delivered) instead of 32GB (Ordered). I have saved a snapshot of this product listed on saverstore website listed as 32GB RAM and copy of email confirmation to prove the actual RAM was listed as 32GB not 16GB. When I contacted Saverstore by phone they said it was a genuine mistake and If I Google manufacturers part number it would show me (8GB x 2 = 16GB) RAM. I told them my understanding was Saverstore would deliver me 2 x Manufacturers item number to make it 32GB which was listed But they said they wouldn't honour my order and Refund me my money and get item collected instead. My Biggest problem is this RAM was required for a project requiring URGENT completion and even if I take Saverstore's words I have genuinely missed out on similar 32GB RAM which was on offer and which I could've bought for roughly same price. Where do I stand now? Shouldn't the seller deliver me the actual advertised item? Please advise
  2. Hi All Is there a difference between a court hearing for Possession and / or Repossession its probs a silly question and I know the answer but I ask because I have just recieved some paperwork re my court appearence on Monday 6th Dec, hence the title O M G. Mr Very Worried at the momment however I am sure that will change in the next few hrs.
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