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Found 2 results

  1. I have just received X10 PCN's from Newham - all in one go. They date back to 17th August. I can see from reading threads relating to this area in Newham that lots of people have been caught driving through this "No Entry" sign which is really badly positioned. But to receive 10 in one go! If i had received the first PCN sooner (not over 3 months later) i would have been made aware of the contravention, and not driven through it again! Does my arguement stand up at all, or will i just have to pay all of the fines? There could even be more on the way as i honestly didnt realise it was a no entry road. Dreading the costs here. Wouldnt have done it had i seen the sign. Any help appreciated
  2. Hi, any help appreciated. Just received a PCN , contravention 51J, failing to comply with No Entry Restriction (camera enforcement) in Temple Mill(s) Lane. We travelled to London to pick up a disability buggy for our neighbour. Being unfamiliar with the area we used our sat nav which on the return journey took us down what I now know to be Leyton Road. As we approached the end of that road it told us to 'Turn Left'. Back seat passenger was talking to hubby who was driving and initially he didn't hear sat nav and went to turn right. Sat nav says Turn Left Turn left, turn around when possible so hubby backs up, careful of other road users but bit awkward with trailer and buggy on the back and turns left. None of us in the car noticed the No Entry signs, because they face up the road they are not noticeable when coming down Leyton Road, in fact the one on the left of the road is slightly round the corner and would be well above the level of the car when you reach the end of the junction. As far as I'm aware there wasn't a 'No Left Turn' sign facing Leyton Road, there was nothing written on the road surface saying no entry, buses only, or anything else that may have indicated you can't turn left. However, as we turned into the road we did notice the sign giving priority to traffic travelling in the direction we were and the arrow in the road pointing in the direction of travel. We had no idea until we received the notice that we had entered a No Entry strip of road. As yet I have been unable to find an up to date picture of this road junction, most only show the signs from face on or the road when it was closed off due to roadworks. Having browsed this site it seems that some have had success with appeals in this particular area, also the road name discrepancy being Mills or Mill as on the fine, can this really be a cause to appeal? We wish to appeal this PCN on the grounds of insufficient signage but wonder how we stand
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