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Found 3 results

  1. Stirling CAB publishes Plain English Guide to help sort out Benefits READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE: http://stirlingcab.org.uk/
  2. If a pub bars a person for making calls to the police and threatening suicide - would it be indirect discrimination to ban them (disability/mental health is a protective characteristic) Or could pub argue the fella was drunk and they were banning him for that. Would a ban for such an incident be disproprtionate?
  3. I thought I heard that there had been recommendations to drop all the jargon in courts for Litigants in Person, particularly in Small Claims? I wonder then why a DJ recently allowed Ms Wilkinson, Barrister, to talk about Quantums and heads of claim in the small claims court. Might as well have the done the whole thing in Latin as far as the LIP is concerned ! And, since when have barristers starting trying to get legal costs in small claims on spurious grounds that IF a case had been taken as a private suit (?) under contract law they would be allowed it blah blah blah - taking the **** over and over, failing to supply their opponents with documents that wish to rely upon - using documents that have not been mentioned or submitted until sitting in Chambers - what a disgrace!
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