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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I pay £160 a month for 5 SKY boxes, all HD and fully loaded with packages. I consider myself to be a decent customer. 3 months ago we had a period of bad weather and 3 of my boxes lost signal. I suspect it's to do with the connection on the dish as my other boxes get a signal fine. They want £60 engineer fee per box to climb a ladder and re-connect. Granted I can get a local guy to do it but as I pay nearly £2k a year for SKY you would think they'd like to keep me happy. Are there any tactics that I can use to talk them into doing it for free? (or at least at a discount) Cheers.
  2. This is a good FOI reply I found on Whatdotheyknow site; https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/sanctions_comprehensive_monitori#comment-57627 The FOI 108 DMA Checklist.xls file (click on 'View HTML' to see it) is particularly interesting as it contains a list of all the checks the adviser has to do if they want to raise a valid sanction doubt - there's LOTS of little things that we can catch them out on if they fail to do it Well worth printing out and keeping. Should your adviser ever try to raise a doubt you can produce it and at least make sure they go through every step while you argue it with them.
  3. A crackdown on the use of pre-ticked boxes to sell "add-on" insurance products is planned after it was found that consumers are being overcharged by up to £200 million a year. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has unveiled a package of proposals to shake up the way in which insurance is bolted on to major purchases such as cars, holidays, mobile phones, home insurance and credit cards. The add-on insurance industry is worth around £1 billion, but an investigation by the FCA found many consumers are not shopping around to compare the cost of these insurance products and they are potentially paying up to £200 million annually for products they may never need. The FCA's plans include banning pre-ticked boxes to ensure people have to actively choose to buy an add-on and forcing firms to publish claims ratios, which could spell out more clearly to customers what financial benefit they might expect to gain as a result of buying the product. http://money.uk.msn.com/news/add-on-insurance-crackdown-planned
  4. just wandered would it be better to tick the boxes on universal job sight to give the jc access, to your job search,what should i aspect if i do tick them, also if i want can i untick them at a later date to stop them having access if they are sending me unsuitable jobs.
  5. My Sky multiroom had both boxes in the same room with the links going to TV's throughout the house. With one SKY+HD box and one SKY+ box. SKY have stopped using the 'thomson' sky + box and according to them now only use the SKY+ HD box. They have recpnfigured their system of sending which means the Thomson box they installed does not now work! They will replace it with a SKY+HD box AND NOTHING ELSE, This would give me two identical boxes in the same location which use the same hand controller and therefore act agaisnt each other and take away all multi room functionality. Only solution they are offering is to put teh second sky box in another room which if ypou think about it still leaves me with teh same problem as the hand controller operates through teh infra red links throughout teh house. My multi room installation has therefore been totally removed and can only operate as a two room facility - SKY seem to be stuck when tehy look at this because they have stopped using a seperate SKY + box. if anyone understands my problem from the above - HELP. I am finding SKY totally unhelpful.
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