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Found 9 results

  1. I have just checked my credit file today - having not checked it for months as ive not needed to and found a default in july 2016 placed on there by Mototmile Finance!! I was shocked. After some investigative work I now know it was a cash genie loan from 2012, which defaulted in 2012!! There is no mention of cash genie on my credit report at all. There used to be but it was removed last year, i'm not sure why but might have been when they went into liquidation?? So i thought that was the matter over......and now Motormile have put a fresh default on there?? I know they are currently carrying out a redress (discovered after some research online) but how do i know if this will qualify and the default be removed?? Or should I write to them and go about this some other way?? Legally they cant add on a 2016 dated default surely?? I am livid to say the least. We are about to look into mortgages as first time buyers and have painstaking saved up a deposit and this could now cause major problems obtaining one....or basically we will get flat out no's.
  2. I have a number of accounts with provident that I stopped paying about 12 months ago. I was an agent for them for a very short time and took a number of loans out myself (stupid I know). I stopped working for them 2 years ago when I was forced to take out a loan due to me loosing the money I collected when I had to take it into the office to show the collections on a weekly basis. I was so upset by this I stopped working for them in my part time position as an agent. I have had numerous calls which I have ignored but have just got a default letter from vanquish fresh start and really don't know what to do next. They say that I owe over £8000 because of the interest that they put on the loan for the money loss. Can anyone please offer me some advice.
  3. Hi, I used to be quite active on here but after losing a court case to a creditor a few years ago I went away to lick my wounds, everything went quiet and I got on with my life. Now out of the blue I have received a claim from Mortimer Clarke solicitors for an old Black Horse account. I last paid or ackowledged anything in 2008 and received a default notice and demand for full payment in early 2009 so I am confident its statute barred. I have defended saying so and have received a letter from MC saying the account was terminated in 2011 - having read other threads I assume this is just an attempt to derail me. They have also offered a 50 % settlement and a tomlin order - How generous! Now I assume I should just do nothing and see if they respond - they have until this friday according to my maths when the 28 + 4 is up?
  4. HI im new, sorry if this has been covered but im having trouble with laptop its not showing me posts ,ive had a letter from vanquis fresh start saying sky have sold them an early termination debt i have with them, ive been told theres been calls to my old phone number (i dont have that phone no more) im sceptical to if they are genuine, i have some current mental health issues and talking on the phone is tough for me ,i dont want to ring them and give my details if they arent genuine thank for any advice
  5. Background: last fiscal year 2015-6 I claimed working tax credits for 5 months, ending in February 2016. Since then a mix of JSA, volunteering and part time work. This week I started full time work and I was thinking of starting a fresh claim. However I've just received the tax credit renewal pack for this current year, plus the annual review for last year. I'm not really sure if I should make a fresh claim or use the online tool to renew my tax credits. On the gov.UK page: https://online.hmrc.gov.uk/shortforms/form/TCCF makes me think a fresh claim only applies to those who have never applied for WTC. Can anybody clarify this point to me? Thanks
  6. i have been contacted by these people saying i owe sky 600 for calls and sky for the period nov 2009 to jan 2010 but left my partner in 2012 and in that time before i left no contact or letters and betwwen 2012 and until last week when i had a phone call saying i have to pay can any one help please also i found out last week ex had recived letters but bined them with out telling me what can i do
  7. Banks could face even bigger bills for mis-selling Payment Protection Insurance after the City watchdog said it was considering new rules following a landmark legal decision. In November last year, the Supreme Court said that Paragon Personal Finance, a secured loans company, had breached the Consumer Credit Act by failing to disclose that the PPI premium paid by a customer included a hefty commission fee to a credit broker. This means that even if the loan insurance was otherwise fairly sold, banks could be liable for mis-selling compensation if PPI was bought via a broker. On Wednesday, the FCA said the judgement in the case, Plevin v Paragon Personal Finance, may mean new rules on dealing with complaints, potentially opening the door for more compensation. “The FCA is considering whether additional rules and/or guidance are required to deal with the impact of the Plevin decision on complaints about PPI,” it said. “The FCA will be engaging with relevant stakeholders in the coming months in respect of this and it expects to announce its views on this, including next steps, at the same time as existing work.” The regulator is considering revamping the PPI rulebook, saying it wants to “meet its objectives of securing appropriate protection for consumers and enhancing the integrity of the UK’s financial system”. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/11633767/Legal-ruling-could-pave-way-for-new-wave-of-PPI-claims.html PPI ruling may trigger a landslide of fresh mis-selling claims The City Watchdog could be forced to introduce new rules around PPI mis-selling complaints following a landmark court ruling. It could open the door to a landslide of fresh claims for compensation, even for those who have already been paid out for being flogged the often useless and expensive insurance. The latest wrinkle to the scandal – which has already cost Britain’s banks an estimated £24 billion – centres on commission payments to lenders and advisers. In November, the Supreme Court ruled in the Plevin v Paragon case that failing to disclose commission made the relationship between lender and borrower unfair. Susan Plevin, a 59-year old college lecturer, was charged £5,780 as an upfront PPI premium on a £39,870 loan. But almost three-quarters – 71.8% – of the premium was commission, with credit broker LLP Processing receiving £1,870 and lender Paragon getting £2,280. Plevin was not told about the commission and took proceedings against the two firms in 2009 for mis-selling because the policy was useless for her, but also on the basis that the PPI agreement was unfair because of the non-disclosure of the commissions. The Supreme Court’s Lord Sumption ruled that failing to disclose commissions led to a “sufficiently extreme inequality of knowledge and understanding”. http://www.standard.co.uk/business/business-news/ppi-ruling-may-trigger-a-landslide-of-fresh-misselling-claims-10277984.html
  8. Hi, Just need some advice please. I submitted my ET1 in December 2013 following advice (from a union rep - I am no longer with them) that the deadline was approaching and I must submit my claim by xx to be accepted. I was still very unwell at the time and was not in a position to file it properly but still submitted what I was able to write up. In my statement I missed out many things and the various allegations I was bringing. It was also during Christmas so I was unlikely to get any help at the time. I was at the time of filing my claim a self litigant with no legal training. I have recently hired a solicitor to represent me. My fee remission went through in late April 2014 and shortly thereafter I received confirmation my claim had been accepted. Immediately (and upon some further reading) I became aware I may have not filled in the form correctly. After some communication with the tribunal I was advised by a judge to bring the matter up at my preliminary hearing. I attempted to do so, however, I was unable to particularise my claims so was unable to amend my claim. Having spoken to my solicitor we are now aware that many things of importance, which are crucial to my case, were left out. We are considering to start the claim 'fresh' again, the ET1 (including the amendments) but he has advised it is up to the tribunal whether they grant permission for me to do and being fair to the other party. He is concerned about the length of time between filing my claim and some of the incidents are time barred. We would need to appeal this if necessary. I have plenty medical evidence to support the fact I was ill and that even if I was able to file a claim, it was unlikely I would have been able to continue due to my intermittent poor health. I did try, a number of times, from different sources (from January 2014 to September 2014) to get free legal support to no avail. Given some of my disabilities it has been very difficult for many of these same supporting companies to understand me proper. We have not yet disclosed documents etc with the other party. Can anyone please advise how I can go about getting my application granted for a fresh new ET1 (including the amendments)? Things like: What to say, What arguments to use, Opposing counter arguments... I will most grateful for any help in this matter.
  9. Hi there please can someone clarify this small point for me as I am having difficulties. When It comes to appealing on Fresh evidence I believe that this is indeed possible, however the EAT rules states that one must have been reasonably diligent in requesting this evidence. This is somewhat contradictory as one cannot be so diligent as to request information and obtain it if the respondent is refusing to disclose it! How can one satisfy the Ladd v Marshall rules to submit the evidence when at the same time it is indeed true that one can appeal on Fresh evidence that was previously concealed. This is all without using court orders for disclosure please someone can explain as I am very confused Regards
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