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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about longterm parking leaseholds? We have just bought a house which owns a carpark on 999yr lease to a man who lived next door and has died. The lease was refused to be transferred to the new house owner when they moved in a few years ago, yet they park here and have the carpark registered in their name, even though they were denied permission to transfer the lease into their name- is this legal? The lady who lived here before us was elderly and did not drive, she was taken advantage of by the sound of it. Can I cancel a lease to someone who has no lease yet parks on our land? We really just want them to move to a spot nearer their land and have offered to put it in their name, and they agreed before we bought the house. Now we've bought the house, but they have changed their minds and will only move their car park if we move it 1 metre into our backyard- for free! Any ideas? Thanks in advance:-)
  2. I need an urgent advice please. I originally lived in Hampshire a few months a go I moved to Birmingham for a new temporary job, rent a place there and failed to update the address on my car insurance. Even though I was fully insured with the option to drive other vehicles the police invalidated my insurance on the spot and seized my car. The policeman advised that the MIB cancelled the insurance. I now received a letter where I need to choose between guilty (£300 fine and 6 points) or not guilty and go to court. They treat me like someone who had no insurance at all. I called the MIB on 01908 830001 and they said that they have no power to cancel an insurance policy so I am confused about the whole situation and the right steps I need to take from here. Any advise would be very helpful please.
  3. Saw this today and something is missing (to my eyes anyway) [ATTACH=CONFIG]57925[/ATTACH]
  4. I received a parking charge last week from UKPC for parking on my own allocated parking spot, but the permit was not displayed as it had come off the windscreen . I live in a block of flats and I have been given an allocated parking spot. This is the second this has happened and the first time, UKPC cancelled the ticket. Now there is a different team leader in customer services and I have been told to go to UKPC's appeals website or write to them. I intend to do neither, as I don't want to pass on any details. I was intending to write a letter to the team leader and request cancellation of the ticket, as I was parked in my bay and no loss was incurred to me, the landowner or the service management company. Should I do this, or wait for the Notification to Keeper and the POPLA code? Thanks.
  5. We have received this..... We are writing to advise you that we would like to visit the above property to carry out an inspection. You may wish to be present during this visit, but if you are unable to be in attendance we will use our keys to enter the property. We have no issue with an inspection but would like to be present as not comfortable with someone entering when we are not there - this is our first inspection and we do not want the landlord "finding" issues we cannot substantiate as we are not there. We are actually going abroad to get married at that time. What I want to know is if the landlord is allowed to just "use their keys" or if we say no to this inspection and try to rearrange - must they agree?
  6. Thanks in advance for any help or advice. Here is draft complaint I have typed up for being fined yesterday for littering inside my local recycling point. On Sunday 12th October I attempted to use the recycling centre at ****. I was looking to recycle some glass bottles and a small bag of clothes. I noticed 2 men sitting in a private car as I approached the centre. I successfully recycled my glass bottles and attempted to open the hatch to the clothes recycling container in order to put my old clothes in. The container was full and I could barely open the hatch half an inch, which of course meant I could not get my old clothes in. I've used this clothes container in the past and have always found it difficult to open as it's invariably quite full. I've always in past however, managed to get old clothes in even by opening the hatch as far as I can and pushing the existing bags with a stick, and putting my old clothes in one item at a time. On this occasion it was apparent I'd be unable to get anything into the container. I noticed that immediately adjacent to the container there was a pile of black bags where it would appear others have had similar difficulty and have left their bags. This, I stress is within the facility and immediately adjacent to the clothes container. On this occasion I put my bag neatly on top of the pile of bags already there. As I walked away the 2 men approached me, putting their lanyards and name tags over their heads. I was told I was being fined for littering. If it had been 2 or more bags, it'd have been fly tipping. I explained that I had attempted (as they could see plainly from where they were parked) to recycle my old clothes responsibly and it was through no fault of mine, that the facilities were full. I was advised that this particular clothes recycler was provided by a charity and that the council were not responsible for it. I should have taken my clothes back home. I asked if there was another recycling centre nearby which I could use but the officials did not know. I told them there were already bags there and I merely put my own bag neatly on top of what was there. They were not interested. I have no intention of paying the fine for the following reasons : 1. The officers witnessed me attempting to make use of the recycling facilities and through no fault of my own being unable to do so. 2. Albeit, officially littering, the fact I left my recycling material within the centre and immediately adjacent to the clothes recycling container, neatly with the rest of the bags, indicates I did not indiscriminately littler but made a more than adequate attempt to recycle. 3. The reasoning that because the clothes recycling container is provided by a charity, negates the councils responsibility to offer adequate recycling resources, I feel is unfair. No reasonable person would make such a distinction, and the fact it's on council property would lead anyone to think it's under the council's control. I'm sure there is legal notices on the container indicating it's from a 3rd party and outwith the control of the council, but this places an unfair burden on good citizens merely trying to do their civic best. 4. I feel the council have let me down as a responsible recycler, in not ensuring this charity regularly empty this recycling container. 5. I feel that unless the requirement of 2 council officials to sit at a recycling centre is a revenue generating exercise, advising me on having to remove any sealed bags from within the recycling centre if I'm unable to put the bag inside the container, advising me of alternative recycling centres in the area, and that the clothes recycler is not the responsibility of the council and that a fine could be given, would have been a more civic exercise to inform, advise and educate the public who are already trying to take recycling responsibly. They also did not ask me to remove my bag either and were happy for it to stay on the pile. thanks...
  7. I wonder is anyone has some advice. The company I work at is in a lot of financial trouble and is trying to combat this by sacking the easiest targets it can find. Disciplinary procedures have not been followed in lead up to this and no notice or severance pay is being given. I have seen other threads that talk a lot about the 12 month requirement to employment rights. The company recently underwent a merger in which ALL employees were made to sign new contracts. Does this mean that no-one will have their SER's ?! Also, I personally have been there for 15 months but have changed roles 4 times (2 promotions and 1 change of department) - would I have to have been 12 months in my current position? Just want to be well armed with information in case my time comes !! They have been skirting on the borders of employment laws on a few issues, but this one really takes it, and if it comes to it I would like to fight them on it. Any help would be appreciated ! Thank You
  8. Hi all, Please forgive me for being dumb here but how do I spot PPI on a credit card statement? I know this sounds stupid but I'm not sure how I'll spot it, I'm worried I'll miss it! I can work it on on loans because the agreements show it but on my credit card statements will it show on the monthly statement after the interest is aplpied ot is it hidden away in there somewhere? So sorry if I have just asked a ridiculous question but I am and worried I'll miss out Thanks
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