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Found 8 results

  1. Why is recycling such a confusing issue ? For the full story: http://cag.tw/26n7 I am horrified at the reports regarding plastic specifically and the damage it is doing to wild life and the environment. Why can we not be given clear guidelines rather than being threatened with not having our bins emptied or fines. Whilst common sense should make one see that you dont put contaminated paper/plastic in for recycling, it is still very confusing as to what we can and cant put in our recycling bins.
  2. For more information : - https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-recycle-old-appliances/
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3531956/2bn-fiasco-huge-recycling-plant-dumped-Hundreds-workers-facing-sack-PFI-facility-shut-leaving-thousands-tons-waste-destined-landfill.html It occured to me after reading the article linked above, that we have sleep walked into a environmental nightmare, where efforts to reduce effects on the planet have been at huge cost, but not done in an intelligent way, so they are sustainable. We have created industries producing wheelie bins, recycling boxes/bags, recycling lorries, new council services etc. It would be interesting if someone produced a cost/benefit analysis of dealing with household waste, to see whether the efforts of householders and councils is really worthwhile. Surely it would be better to look at the manufacturing processes of household goods and to require materials to be used which don't represent any hazard if burned or they can easily be melted to be reused. It seems to me that an intelligent system needs to be worked out from the point items are manufactured right the way through to the end when they are either disposed of or reused.
  4. Hi all, I am hoping someone can advise me of the likely outcome of this situation that I find myself in. My car was recently hit by our local recycling firm causing some damage to the bodywork - car itself is ok. No note was left by the driver, although he apparently got out and had a look at the damage before driving off! A note was left by an independent witness however. I have contacted the company in question and they have moved quite quickly so far. Called them on Monday, they came and viewed car on Wednesday and then called me on Friday to say their insurers would be in touch soon. The car is probably worth about the same as the cost to fix the damage would be, maybe less. My questions really are: 1) Do I need to inform my insurers? 2) What is the likely outcome? 3) Is there anything I should know about this process as it's all new to me!? I don't really want to lose the car but feel aggrieved as something of mine was damaged by a third party - and the fact that the driver left without reporting it. The company's rep was very quick to point out that they encourage all their drivers to stop and report incidents. This is probably because I mentioned the word 'criminal' in the conversations we had prior to his visit. Any thoughts would be much appreciated
  5. I was just pottering around the internet, as you do... when I came across some interesting articles on how to reuse plastic bottles (and other plastic containers). I already do reuse these for watering ports for plants in the garden, but I was astonished at just how versatile this throwaway product can be with a little ingenuity and a couple of hours... and of course a stack of empty plastic bottles. pininterest, has some quite amazing ideas. One chap has built a canoe, another a green house, they can be reused for storing small bits and pieces such as screws/nails in the workshop or pins/cottons, etc in the craft room and all those small bits that children seem to accumulate, such as lego, and the toys from kinder eggs. Even a house.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?455572-How-can-we-Sort-the-Housing-Shortage-out.Many-are-without-affordable-homes.Flatpacks&p=4915265&viewfull=1#post4915265
  6. We just recently demolished an old shed. Took the opportunity to sort out all the rubbish that was inside. Tins - half full of paint containers of solidified filler the gravelly stuff off the roof of the shed lots of weed killers / chemicals loads of sheets of polystyrene that had been used to insulate the shed. It is my understanding that this stuff does not go into either the general household rubbish or recycling bins - to contact the council and they will arrange a pick up. Telephoned last Tuesday and asked them to do this. They said because of the quantities I had mentioned they would have someone come and quote. No one has yet to visit or phone. So hubby has started to haul some of it to the council tip himself. He was astonished to discover that all the paints and chemicals went straight into the Land Fill dumpsters - surely this is wrong !!
  7. Thanks in advance for any help or advice. Here is draft complaint I have typed up for being fined yesterday for littering inside my local recycling point. On Sunday 12th October I attempted to use the recycling centre at ****. I was looking to recycle some glass bottles and a small bag of clothes. I noticed 2 men sitting in a private car as I approached the centre. I successfully recycled my glass bottles and attempted to open the hatch to the clothes recycling container in order to put my old clothes in. The container was full and I could barely open the hatch half an inch, which of course meant I could not get my old clothes in. I've used this clothes container in the past and have always found it difficult to open as it's invariably quite full. I've always in past however, managed to get old clothes in even by opening the hatch as far as I can and pushing the existing bags with a stick, and putting my old clothes in one item at a time. On this occasion it was apparent I'd be unable to get anything into the container. I noticed that immediately adjacent to the container there was a pile of black bags where it would appear others have had similar difficulty and have left their bags. This, I stress is within the facility and immediately adjacent to the clothes container. On this occasion I put my bag neatly on top of the pile of bags already there. As I walked away the 2 men approached me, putting their lanyards and name tags over their heads. I was told I was being fined for littering. If it had been 2 or more bags, it'd have been fly tipping. I explained that I had attempted (as they could see plainly from where they were parked) to recycle my old clothes responsibly and it was through no fault of mine, that the facilities were full. I was advised that this particular clothes recycler was provided by a charity and that the council were not responsible for it. I should have taken my clothes back home. I asked if there was another recycling centre nearby which I could use but the officials did not know. I told them there were already bags there and I merely put my own bag neatly on top of what was there. They were not interested. I have no intention of paying the fine for the following reasons : 1. The officers witnessed me attempting to make use of the recycling facilities and through no fault of my own being unable to do so. 2. Albeit, officially littering, the fact I left my recycling material within the centre and immediately adjacent to the clothes recycling container, neatly with the rest of the bags, indicates I did not indiscriminately littler but made a more than adequate attempt to recycle. 3. The reasoning that because the clothes recycling container is provided by a charity, negates the councils responsibility to offer adequate recycling resources, I feel is unfair. No reasonable person would make such a distinction, and the fact it's on council property would lead anyone to think it's under the council's control. I'm sure there is legal notices on the container indicating it's from a 3rd party and outwith the control of the council, but this places an unfair burden on good citizens merely trying to do their civic best. 4. I feel the council have let me down as a responsible recycler, in not ensuring this charity regularly empty this recycling container. 5. I feel that unless the requirement of 2 council officials to sit at a recycling centre is a revenue generating exercise, advising me on having to remove any sealed bags from within the recycling centre if I'm unable to put the bag inside the container, advising me of alternative recycling centres in the area, and that the clothes recycler is not the responsibility of the council and that a fine could be given, would have been a more civic exercise to inform, advise and educate the public who are already trying to take recycling responsibly. They also did not ask me to remove my bag either and were happy for it to stay on the pile. thanks...
  8. Hi, I have read through a number of existing threads on your site outlining similar experiences to mine ( cannot include the links here as I have no previous posts). Unfortunately I did not see them before I sent my phone to cash4phones. Regardless, I have taken your advice and have written a LBA which I attach here. Your assistance in this matter would be very helpful (NB I'm in Scotland where I understand the court proceedings are slightly different). [Your address] [supplier's address] Dear Reference: Order ID xxxxxxx As it has not been possible to resolve this matter amicably, and it is apparent that court action may be necessary, I write in compliance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct. I had a black iPhone 4 16GB telephone in pristine condition and obtained a valuation from Cash4phones online for £113. In this basis, I sent the phone in to Cash4phones, carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. Upon receipt, Cash4phones offered £39.16 explaining that this reduced price was based on “Speaker Or Microphone not working” and “Moderate wear and tear” which is a clear discrepancy to the actual condition of the phone sent in. I asked Cash4phones to return the handset which Cash4phones refused sighting. sighting expiration of the 5 day limit. The telephone was sent in pristine condition. From you I am claiming a full repayment as initially outlined and valued on the Cash4phones website, in the sum of £113. Listed below are the documents on which I intend to rely in my claim against you: - similar complaints involving Cash4phones on the internet In accordance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct I would request that you provide me with copies of the following documents: - all communication (email, via Cash4phones online contact form, etc) between Cahs4phones and myself I can confirm that I would be agreeable to mediation and would consider any other system of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in order to avoid the need for this matter to be resolved by the courts. I would invite you to put forward any proposals in this regard. In closing, I would draw your attention to section II (4) of the Practice Direction which gives the courts the power to impose sanctions on the parties if they fail to comply with the direction including failing to respond to this letter before claim. I look forward to hearing from you within the next 14 days. Should I not receive a response to my letter within this time frame, then I anticipate that court action will be commenced with no further reference to you. Yours sincerely, _____ Again, your advice and feedback in this matter would be very much appreciated.
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