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Found 8 results

  1. A Continuous Payment Authority (CPA) is a method of payment that is used by companies to whom you might need to make a regular payment. * Recurring payments are often used for magazine subscriptions, gym memberships or payday loans. These are often confused with direct debits, but do not offer the same guarantee if the amount or date of the payment changes. Until 2013, it was very difficult to cancel these payments - that all changed when the regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority became involved. Information in the following posts should help you cancel these payments without too much hassle.
  2. A Continuous Payment Authority (CPA) is a method of payment that is used by companies to whom you might need to make a regular payment. * Recurring payments are often used for magazine subscriptions, gym memberships or payday loans. These are often confused with direct debits, but do not offer the same guarantee if the amount or date of the payment changes. Until 2013, it was very difficult to cancel these payments - that all changed when the regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority became involved. Information in the following posts should help you cancel these payments without too much hassle.
  3. Continuous "scrolling" is a problem I am experiencing a lot just lately. I am not able to do anything as the browser just keeps on "scrolling" all the time. I thought it was a Facebook problem at first, but it also does it on another site. I have windows 8.1 Thanks for any advice
  4. I'm hoping someone can help as i've gone through google and can't find an answer to my problem. I have a car on lease (2 years) which was delivered in november 2014, this has only done 3000 miles due to my problem. The TPMS (tyre pressure monitoring system) was leaking meaning the tyre would go flat overnight (valve leaking). The valves at the time (april 2015) were on back order for 2 months with Ford so the dealer fitted a rubber valve which worked but kept the dash warning lights on. Several weeks later the new tpms came into stock so the dealer fitted a new 1 - this lasted a day before the tyre was flat again so i went to a tyre garage where they put the wheel into their bath and found the valve leaking again. The wheel + tyre was dropped back off at the dealer where they fitted another new tpms. 3 days later the tyre was flat yet again so dealer agreed to collect the wheel + tyre from my home (i'm now on a spare wheel) and repair it. They said it would be ready the next day (saturday) and to call in and they would fit it to the car. The next day i called in and waited 1/2 hour to be told the manager wasn't working and the wheel hadn't been fixed? They said they'd call me on the Monday. While the new valves had been removed and refitted the dealer has damaged the paint around the valve hole and is saying i've had a repair done (which i haven't as it's under warranty and they're the only ones to have removed the tyre since new). The dealer collected the car a couple of days later and fitted yet another new tpms and valve. When i got home i sprayed soapy water on the valve to check and it was leaking yet again? I called the dealer the next day who said it might be someone messing about letting the tye down? i explained the car went straight home and into locked garage as always so it definately wasn't this. I've been speaking to and emailing ford uk who wont speak to me as i'n not the owner (according to them) - i've spoke to the lease company explaining it's costing me time going back and forth to dealer, money in fuel and money in loss of overtime having to miss saturday mornings work to get to the dealer. I've told the lease company i want to give the car back as it isn't fit for purpose (can't go off for weekend as tyre goes down overnight) and i'm fed up going back and forth to dealer who can't fix the problem. The lease company told me i have no right to cancel the payments and they will pursue me through the courts if i do. The problem is still ongoing after 3 months and 9 visits to dealer which i think is unacceptable and i don't think i should have to put up with this. I'm paying for something not fit for purpose, losing money from work, losing my little spare time (saturday mornings) and have a car which i can't use apart from short distances. Can anyone help?
  5. Hi Guys Another ridiculous scenario (In theory) I was speaking to Barclay's because something hit me about this very topic. A) Does CPA "Override" a card that has been lost or stolen? IE Payment being taken on a blocked card? B) What if the card is active and you have insufficient funds in the account? I had this discussion with Barclays as I had a major issue with them holding transactions back. But the above is just theoretical.
  6. For the full story : - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23099564
  7. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47225[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47226[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47227[/ATTACH]Hi Guys, Parked up at the bottom of my street in a 2 hour bay on Tuesday night ( I have a Parking Permit, but the street was chocker, as usual ) with every intention of moving it Wednesday morning. Problem was, the bloody car wouldn't start and by the time I had got back from my brother's to move it I had got a damn PCN. My lovely council (Barrow Borough Council) being as compassionate as they are have stated there's no grounds for cancellation. Therefore, I may appeal on road markings, but I am a little confused with the markings. I can't work out whether it is a 1028 or a 1033 bay ?
  8. Hi all, Wondering if anyone can help. I had approx £500.00 of CPA's go out of my account during 2009-2011. None of these payments were ever authorised by me, my ex partner used my debit card to sign up to 2 dating sites and they kept taking a weekly or monthly fee out of my account despite me trying to cancel with my bank and with the compaies concerned. I didn't know anything about the payments until money started disappearing from my account and bank charges for returned direct debits started happening - due to not having funds available as they had been taken by these CPA's! I managed to get one comany to cancel after serveral weeks payments (£6.99 per week!), but the monthly one (started off as £22.80 as month, ended up as £44.00 a month!) went on for over a year with me asking Barclays to cancel, them saying its either cancelled or could I sign a letter and send it back, advising its a fraudulent transaction and they'd investigate or them telling me they couldn't help and it was up me to cancel with the company...bearing in mind, I never set up the dating account in the first place, so I had no details to go to the company with to cancel it. Sometimes the payments stopped for a month or so but then would start again and also the subsription fee went up a few times. I asked Barclays on numerous occasions to stop these transactions and eventually, in early 2011 they finally stopped. What I want to know is, can I claim this money back, considering the FSA rules around CPA's and the banks getting it wrong? If so, could anyone help me with wording a letter and what info would I need to provide to Barclays? Has anyone on here tried to claim back unauthorised CPA payments? Any info would be much appreciated.
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