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Found 7 results

  1. Hi all, My OD was cut by half recently, which will cause me some hardship, on top of which I also lost my job. I have a meeting coming up in branch to discuss, are there any do's/don'ts so I can hopefully increase my chances of getting my OD back to comfortable levels? Thanks, JB
  2. I'm new to this - please be gentle! Yesterday, I found that Post Office Home Phones have set up a direct debit on my bank account. They had no authorisation to do this. I previously had a relationship with them but this ended in January 2013 after which I cancelled the direct debit. I have contacted Post Office Home Phones and the bank but as yet have had no response. I have moved house and countries (Scotland and England) since I last had a relationship with them. It is my assumption that they have retained my bank details and used them to reinstate a dead direct debit. How are they allowed to do this? Thanks for any help.
  3. Just a quick question, currently being pursued through the courts for a debt by Arrow Global, the case was struck out by the judge in May 2012 due to Arrow Global’s failure to comply with court orders. In December 2012, over 6 months later, Arrow applied to have the case reinstated as they pleaded an administration error had led to them missing the court’s deadline. The District Judge duly obliged and reinstated the case. Since the case was struck out, the requisite 6 years has passed since I last made a payment and I have not acknowledged the debt to them. Can anyone clarify whether the reinstated case is treated as a continuation of the struck out case and therefore has been brought within the 6 years or is it treated as a new one, and if this is the case can I use the Statute Barred legislation to stop the proceedings? Any pointers with this would be much appreciated. Cheers Madi's Mum
  4. Hi, I'm in need of a bit of advice and hope someone here may be able to help. A year ago, Lowell bought a debt from a credit card. The credit card company updated the default on the CRAs as 'satisfied' and Lowell created a new default. Since I disagreed with the debt, I requested a CCA from Lowell. After a couple of months they wrote back to me telling me that the OC no longer had any record of the account and that they (Lowell) were closing the account. It also stated that the account will be removed from the CRAs. I have just done a search and the default from Lowell still remains (although I suspect that when I chase it up, they will remove it eventually). However, the default from the OC has been reinstated - it is no longer marked as 'satisfied' and the full amount is recorded as owing. I may be a bit naive here, but I assumed that since Lowell had purchased the debt, the OC were no longer owed any money. If Lowell purchased a debt without the necessary paperwork to enforce it, would they not be responsible for any loss if the alleged debt was not paid? I was under the impression that if the OC sold the debt, they then relinquished any future claim to it. Can anyone put me straight on this? Many thanks.
  5. Right guys, I am so appreciative of all your help on my many recent threads regarding my debt, especially the 2 PDLs we have, but I am still not CERTAIN whether a CPA can be reinstated by the PDL once I have got the STOP CPA letter into the bank signed and stamped. I am not whingeing about the advice I've been given but I'm still not certain as I have had a couple of different answers/advice on different threads. I want to keep my current account with Natwest but have also set up a new account with them to get my income paid into. If the CPA can be reinstated at a later date what the heck would be the point cancelling the CPA...?.. Can someone please please tell me if I am safe to keep my accounts once I've confirmed cancellation of all CPAs. Thanks again guys.
  6. Hello Please may I ask ref a Case which should have gone to court on Counterclaim only as claimant had not completed AQ and been struck out. At the hearing the Court had made a mistake with the paperwork and dealt with the original struck out claim , the Judge awarded a sum and costs to the claimant. I wrote to the judge to query what had happened and advised him that I had not been prepared to defend the claim due to it being struck out and the hearing I attended I believed to be the Counterclaim hearing I had paid court costs for. The Judge stated that he had not been aware of these facts and stopped enforcement and has reinstated both the claim and the counterclaim. I question reinstating the claim as it had previously been struck off and now because the mistake made with the court paperwork I have already lost the case once and could possibly never expect to go to court with a fair and level playing field. I am led to believe the Judge has now removed himself from this case? Next big Q, can a Judge be called as a witness to statements made in court if he is no longer dealing with the case? Thank you guys..appreciate any of your thoughts...that already feels better just having somewhere to vent!
  7. My husband was made redundant on the 17th Aug. He did not hear anything for 10 days and contacted them to ask when his redundancy payment would be made. He subsequently received a letter saying he had been reinstated and immediately suspended on suspicion of keeping company files and for contacting companies looking for jobs during the consultation period. He doesn't have any company files but they are sending a private forensic computer investigator to audit our home IT equipment and refusing to pay any redundnacy. They have also said he can't contact anyone else looking for a job. Both ACAS and a lawyer have said they can't do this and he is effectively redundant but they insist they can. Where do we go next?
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