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  1. Hi all I wanted to seek your advice in how to present myself in an impending probationary meeting. I was informed today I would need to have a meeting with 2 team leaders in my department (my current one and my previous one) because I have been late 4 times in the last month. This is my first month and the first 2 times were in my first 2 days, which I will admit is very very bad. But on all of the 4 occasions they weren't more than 5 or 6 minutes, and the last 2 were only by 3 minutes. Furthermore the 2nd time I was late it was because I had not been given a security pass at that point and so was trying 2 or 3 different stairs to see if I could get up without a security pass swipe. Whereas the most recent 2 times was because I got a flat tyre on my bike (I cycle to work), which in spite of that I was only 3 minutes late on both occasions. In addition to emphasising the fact that otherwise my attitude to work has been professional and I haven't taken any holiday or sick days yet, I also feel that on 3 of those occasions I was late I had also genuinely made a big effort to get in on time despite circumstances outside my control. Has anyone else been in a similar situation and what would you advise? I was told I can ask for a colleague or union rep to attend this meeting, should I ask for someone from the HR department to also attend?
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