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Found 7 results

  1. Hi All, I would be grateful for any help to work towards reducing my Welcome Finance loan which has been sold to Coast Financial Solutions despite account being in long term dispute. I do not wish to bore you kind folk with a sob story but think you need a brief history. I got a car from YES Car Credit when I was a student back in 1998. I purchased a property in 2002 and fell victim to Welcome Finance offer of reducing my costs by taking out a home loan. Since then over 15 years has passed and I have put the loan in dispute many times due to charges, incorrect balance and Payment Protection Products including MIF which I was never made aware of. Now I am in the progress of claiming back PPI and have tryed to get WFS to agree to a settlement. I am not greedy just want a soloution to the outsanding Welcome account. The account at present stands at just under 23,000 and has been re-written many times . This is my mistake for giving in to WFS harassment but they stopped interest on balance a while back due to the length of the dispute. Thus this is were its gets weird . Every time I try to communicate with WFS they pass the account on saying they have sold it but so far the purchaser has been a DCA for example Incasso and Cabot who just hand it back after I reminded them that the account was in dispute. Now they say with letter that the account has been sold to Coast Finance Solutions who are based abroad but have a PO Box address in Newport. This is strange because I have offered half the amount as settlement and when you do the maths its a very generous offer. I calculated this by simply deducting miss sold PPI which totals nearly 8,000 and deduction unfair charges. Anyway can anybody advise Many THANKS in Advance
  2. For information, they no longer seem to belong to an ATA. Although One Parking Ltd still have logos on the website. http://www.theipc.info/#!aos-members/cv75 http://www.britishparking.co.uk/Approved-Operators
  3. Good evening, My auntie used to own a timeshare with Sunny Coast Malta and died over 4 years ago. Since then her sister (my auntie) and my dad have been receiving debt collection letters for the annual maintenance fees for the timeshare. They were not aware that the timeshare would become their responsibility in the event of her death and have not signed anything in respect to the ongoing fees or use of the timeshare. Since her death they have been ignoring the charges. Just recently they have now started to receive letters from Network Credit Services threatening further debt collection. Please could anyone advise what steps they should now be taking? Should they just continue to ignore? Any advice would be fantastic as it is getting to a point where my auntie is starting to feel ill with it all. Many thanks in anticipation
  4. I have written to east coast on a couple of occasions recently to complain about some shocking staff behaviour which, in view of the fact that many of their staff are excellent, I am not going to describe here. However, I have not had anything other than holding responses to these letters / e-mails. The question is what do I do next - no response from Passenger Focus either! East Coast need to be freed from the control of the DfT as soon as possible in my view as, although better than when they were part of National Express, they are not a patch on GNER. Thanks in advance.
  5. Transport Officials Suspended Over West Coast Rail 'Fiasco' Read more :- http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/10/03/transport-officials-suspe_n_1935100.html
  6. Hi guys First post here, hope you can help?. I took out a secured loan with welcome in 2005 but went bankrupt in 2006. Have only had 6 monthly letters saying that we were in arrears until a month ago when we received a default notice giving us 2 weeks to pay arrears of £16000. Now like most people we do not have £16000 lying around in fact I have only 6 weeks ago got back into work after almost a year out and was on jury service when they sent the letter so didnt really have time to do anything about it. Now we have received a letter from Incasso debt collectors demanding we pay £33476 which apparently is the overdue amount not a redemption figure!! Have not been able to find any paperwork after all this time of inactivity but I do know that the original loan was around the £20000 mark. Now being desperate at the time(I had just had a potential joint buisness venture come crashing down at the last minute and tried to borrow enough to do it on my own having just quit my job in preparation to start the buisness, but ultimately lost out on that to) they were bending all sorts of rules like overstating my wages without even asking, saying that we didnt earn enough to get a loan then upping the loan required and I dont remember sending any wageslips either!! Could anyone give me any advice on what we should do now?? Could really do with some. Thanks in advance
  7. hi , i have a loan from welcome F (secured) but on the credit agreement my address does not have the flat number of my home , only the address of the whole building as there is 8 houses in the building does this mean the agreement is not complete right?
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