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  1. Hello all, wondered if I might get some advice on this situation. I was on holiday in the US last week and made use of a Thomas Cash Passport pre-paid USD card. When I reloaded it with a small amount (£75 for $110) to see me to the end of the holiday I was somewhat surprised to see they had actually reloaded the card with $1100. I have a receipt showing they "sold" me $1107 for £74. Thinking this too good to be true I headed to the ATM and there was no mistake, it let me draw out $700 . Shortly after the card was "suspended" and I was no longer able to use it. On returning to the UK I dug out the T&Cs and there is nothing in that about reload errors only that if they suspend the card they will inform me in writing of the reasons. Being a bit cheeky I rang them up to query why my card had been suspended. They had to go away and check and rang me back later that day to tell me that it had been suspended until I paid them back $600 I owed them, if I didn't pay it back they pass me on to a debt collector. Doesn't sound right to me, ok its obvious they screwed up but surely that is their problem and I just got a very good deal?
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