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  1. i started over a year ago with the company and i was told not entitled to holiday pay as casual and 0 hours, so got not holiday pay at all, recently had someone i know who use to work at a union and they asked about my job and i told them everything and they said no you're entitled to holiday pay they showed me how to work it out and turns out I'm owed £300, told my manager who informed wages, had half my payment. rest next week. But I'm wondering if i can get last years holiday pay owed to me as it works out at £100 owed? also When I started a few days later i received a message of someone who I had not heard of in a long time, asking if I had started working for them, I asked how they know, and they said they had a call from someone at the company asking about me! but yet no one knew i was working for this company that knew this person, (this person use to work for the company many years ago) I've mentioned it to my manager who told me to ignore it, I kind of have but it really plays on my mind wondering what else is said to this person as we do not communicate, or to anyone else. Since I raised my holiday entitlement Ive since been told that my Sunday shifts are voluntary and that should not be taken into account, (I mainly work Sundays as no other shifts during week, so no wages if I don't), Ive been told my hair needs to be different in how I put it up (never had issues before) been made to feel guilty if don't take overtime, not had an expenses traveling to other shops like i was told at start i would but then they took it away as they found out I drive, I've had £271 in expenses for parking alone and bus tickets, this would never have occurred as my contracted place is just around the corner.
  2. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse.... An investigation by BBC News has uncovered several of the benefits under consideration for change: Industrial Injuries Compensation Scheme - could be replaced by companies providing industrial injury insurance policy for employees. Any that did not would become members of a default national industrial injuries scheme, similar to the programme for asbestos sufferers. DWP predicted saving - £1bn Carer's Allowance - this could be restricted to those eligible for Universal Credit. Leaked documents suggest about 40% of claimants would lose out.DWP predicted saving - £1bn The contributory element of Employment and Support Allowance and Job Seekers Allowance - currently claimants who have paid enough National Insurance contributions can get the benefits with little means testing; DWP analysis suggests 30% of claimants, over 300,000 families, would lose about £80 per week. DWP predicted saving - £1.3bn in 2018/19 Disability benefits - Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments and Attendance Allowance (for over 65s who have personal care needs) would no longer be paid tax free. Possible saving - £1.5bn per annum(based on IFS Green Budget calculation ) Council Tax Support - to be incorporated into Universal Credit. Possible saving - not known Child Benefit - Limiting the benefit to the first two children. Possible saving IFS estimates £1bn saving per annum in the long run but little initially Regional Benefit Caps - The £23,000 limit would vary in different parts of the country, with for instance Londoners receiving the top amount due to the higher cost of living. Possible saving - not known and dependent on where levels were set http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32084722?ocid=socialflow_twitter
  3. A leaked staff memo at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) appears to show the government is still struggling to roll out its flagship welfare programme, universal credit (UC), across the UK. More Here: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/oct/27/universal-credit-leaked-memo-scheme-rollout
  4. Hello, Before I jump in accusing the other solicitors I wonder if any of you had any advise on what act or code this would come under? I'll keep it brief. Ongoing personal injury claim, my own solicitor is excellent. Defendants solicitor has just taken 4 statements from managers at my ex employers. Which is fine however my concern is all 4 use very similar language but most worryingly they all include 3 facts about my personal life they were never told about, while you say this can't be proved. Several facts weren't know about till months after I parted company with these managers, never to have spoken to them again. A partner's redundancy didn't happen till 5 months after I left the company - so for all 4 do include the same personal info that simply couldn't be predicted when I knew them (they all claim I told them) I was unaware as these were future events. This to me shows that the defendants solicitors must've leaked several parts of my personal life personal data for their statements or have all 4 could've seen into the future at the time yeah right I left that job in the Feb of that year so was unaware of a future redundancy and relocation for my partner and I, they have a letter to prove this was later on in the year. I'm not happy at several parts of my personal life has been leaked - what can be done? Surely it's a breach under some act? The personal life info above and other personal stuff mentioned is not relevant to the ex-colleges.
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