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Found 8 results

  1. Hi guys long time no see, hope the old gang is doing well. Have a huge problem here but please bare with me My son had huge issues with dvla for a car he sold to a garage. All paper work was sent off by him but the garage failed to do their part. He got a letter from dvla saying the car was not insured. he wrote off to them with all the details stating the car was no longer in his pocession and it had been sold to this garage. Dvla wouldnt except that so they appealed, again they refused to accept it and again he appealed. Then nothing. It had gone to court without his knowledge and fined. Marstons have it on record that they wrote to him in February this year. But my son has never received a letter from them or a court fine. Today without any warning a bailiff turns up. She threatens to take everything in the house bar the children's things. She was asked to leave. She then went ahead and clamped the car. My son who is disabled and his wife who is a very anxious lady both on reciept of benefits so are classed as vulnerable with 2 children told her this and requested if they could pay in instalments by she refused. No warning was given that she was coming round and they had no idea that a debt even existed. She had no certificate on her and said it was in the middle of being transferred from Liverpool so she couldn't show it. Their was no paperwork apart from what she showed on her tablet. No break down was given. She called the police and they immediately took her side letting her claimp the car. She had her mother talking with her and the police officers who lived opposite my son. Who stood there hands on hips staring at us whilst we tried to reason with this abnoxious woman. Even try in to push past a 20 of stone man. 1. I thought that they had to give notice that they were coming 7 days before they turned up. 2. I didn't think they could turn up on a Sunday unless via a court order. She even threaten to take my car off the drive so to get to my son's. Before this visit she went to a friend of mine. She clamped her car again with no notice for a debt for her daughter that hadn't lived there for two years. The car was in my friends name so she hadn't even checked. She went into the home and told a 7 year old boy to pick out his dba because she was going to take them. She didnt care how upset this little boy was. My friend had to pay this bailiff to get the clamp off her car. Surely this bailiff cannot do this. The bailiff then proceeded to tell my friend that she will be back to collect other debts of her daughter's that she openly discussed, her is 21, surely she shouldn't be shouldn't that. Any advice on this be for i put in my complaints. By the way the car is worth 1800. The debt was only 600. It was paid but not by my son. Cheers guys
  2. I'm not sure who or which this company is at the minute, until I go down to the car and look at the sign on the drivers door, however I do know that rossers work in my area so it could be them. I live in a block of fourteen flats, secure gated entry to the communal car park, and secure intercom entry to the block, at 08:15 the intercom buzzer went off, and expecting a delivery I answered to be met with ''Can you let me in I need to deliver a letter to flat 8?'' Me:''Why don't you buzz flat 8?'' There's no answer.... (in the background I can hear a 2nd make prompting the 1st 'it's the postman, it's the postman') Me: ''Well I can't let you in then'' OK.... Grabbed my video camera, and raced out my front door (in my budgie smugglers!) opened the communal front window and could see a white van parked up on the side of road, then a neighbour pulled out of the car park so the gates were now open, and seizing the opportunity one of them stood in the way of the sensors to stop them from closing whilst the other ran back to the van to grab a wheel clamp. I filmed him clamp flat 8's car, and when he went back to the van I switched to the front of the building to film him there, it was at this point the second (the liar) of the two, saw me filming them from the top window, and they were still trying to gain access, it went a bit like; ''What are you doing?'' ''You filming me?'' (waves) ''Why are you filming? This going on youtube?'' The whole time I didn't say a word. Switch to the rear of the building to film them filling out the paperwork, to be met with the same bloke determined to get me to speak; ''What are you doing? Why are you filming me? Just doing my job'' (oh please!) ''Do you film the gas man doing his job?'' (We're all electric so if there was a gas man on the property I'd definitely be filming him yes!) The classic knee jerk ''You can't film me I haven't give you my permission'' Me "I don't need it" ''You filming the paperwork, you can't film that it's data protection'' I just smiled and continued. Now to upload the footage to YT, seeing as he was so keen to be a star on there. Turns out it was Marstons, after speaking to my neighbour whose car it was, four unpaid parking tickets.
  3. I need to serve a section 8 notice, I'm on the premises & can open the door to allow them to serve the tenants notice. The residence is a private residential address. I'm already staying on the premises, & I can open the door from the inside, & allow the bailiff in to serve notice. Is this legal? The tricky part is, I dont have a tenancy agreement to prove I live on the property, but I can prove I'm the landlord. & the tenants still have a tenancy contract AST on the property. Basically can the tenants claim forced entry, or something, if I allow a bailiff entry to serve notice?
  4. Hi all, I rent a house. My landlady has some issue with Npower an an outstanding amount. There was a letter, which I opened at her request, from last month saying they were going to have a hearing on a date now passed (but not when the letter was sent) to gain a warrant of entry to enter your home. I went out today and when I came back there was a gas pre-pay meter installed (outside) and a letter on the table inside. all the windows were closed and the doors were locked. I think they must have picked the lock on the front door. Is this legal? is there anything I can do about it? I am currently on ESA because of serious back issues, and receive housing benefit. as I say it was my landlady's debt, but I am renting the house. thanks in advance
  5. Hi, I stupidly walked away from a ticket inspector after being caught without tapping in on the London overground. I think in doing this I have made what was a £40 fixed penalty into a serious problem with the possibility of a criminal record, something I really can't have. I left the inspector with my Oyster card which is not registered but I have paid for with my debit card. Can tfl get this information and use it to prosecute? I am guessing they can, but wanted to check. In the case that they can what is the best course of action, to contact tfl and fess up and ask to pay the fine/costs and see if this willingness to right my wrong will prevent prosecution. Or should I wait for the inevitable letter of prosecution and try to settle out of court then? Many thanks for your help! RR
  6. I had a visit from a HCEO today in relation to a high court writ for unpaid water bill totalling £1800. After explaining I was attempting to sort finances in order to apply for bankruptcy and that I had no other money or assets, he said if he could enter the house and see that i did not have enough goods to enable the debt and charges to be paid, he would report that back to the creditor and they would be unlikely to attempt to control the goods for sale. I was cagey about this to say the least. I said i was unwilling to let him in for obvious reasons. He said that if he was not allowed in and I made no payment then the creditor can then make an application to the court to allow them/him entry to seize goods. I asked how that was possible as this was residential. He said they would apply against 'me' and they would be allowed to gain entry forcibly. I said that I would not allow them entry, to which he said i would be arrested for obstruction. I have never allowed anyone in the house and today i spoke to him on my doorstep with the door closed. I am running around at the moment trying to get family to lend me what i need left to apply for bankruptcy, but he was deliberately trying to scare me and made me think he could get a court order and gain entry by force. Please help, I am confused by the changes in the law last year. thanks in advance
  7. hi there I have lived in this rented house for 3 years, I have had escalating bills for the last year and a half and even tho I came to agreements to pay, after every review they became so high I now cannot afford to pay what they are asking. The origonal debt was £258 and is now £1200. In between all this added debt, I was trying to set up an AFFORDABLE payment plan, they would not accept what I had coming in and what I could afford to pay out so I wrote a letter complaint to one of the directors of NPOWER and agreed to accept my payments. It was all ticking along nicley and then my JSA was stopped because I went into hospital and they changed me over to Employment and Support Allowance, which in turn affected my rent payemnts etc. Then out of the blue with no warning NPOWER merged both my accounts for GAS and ELECTRICITY. Instead of paying two direct debits they now tried to take the whole amount out at once in Dec 2012. Back to square one, letters threats of entry. They have tried telling me I need a meter fitted, but I can bearly afford to heat the home now, without the added cost of the meter billing. Plus I am a private tennant, the landlord has told me he specifically does not want a meter fitted. The reason they were separate in the first place was if one DD did not go through I could easilyring and pay over the phone, but with the JSA mix up and the ESA payments be lower than JSA I could not afford to pay the DD. Any idea what to do next please all help would be greatly recieved.
  8. My debts are over 7 years old. I moved address 7 years ago and told nobody. I got a new basic bank account and, to this date, that is all I have. I've checked my records for my old address and there are no CCJs registered. How is GAIN marked on my credit report? Do they use my name and date of birth to try and tie me to my old address? I have applied for a credit report with Equifax and they've asked for a utility bill / bank statement plus a copy of my passport / driving licence. They asked for that as soon as I told them that I haven't had any credit for the last 6 years. I haven't submitted them to Equifax yet. I want to build a credit score, but I'm scared that providing details will allow them to tie me to a GAIN maker on a previous address of 7 years ago. How does it work?
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