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Found 5 results

  1. I'm newbie here so sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place I lost an employment tribunal case against an employer and individuals. I was ordered to pay £30k and once that happened I left the UK . . I left the address, email and mobile. I recently got to see one of my old friends he told me that the employer and individuals followed things up and got an order from the court for alternative way of serving the orders . . He said that it seems like they were sending the orders by email which I do not have access to and they will get an arrest warrant for not attending the hearing as per one of the orders. As he said the hearing was about questioning about my financial situation !! I'm actually in the dark and I have been out of the country for almost a year and have no idea about what is going on and I never received anything . .. Is it actually possible to accuse me of "Contempt of court" in such a situation
  2. I recently won a case - but the other side has failed to pay up and follow through other orders. Is this contempt of court? What do I have to do to get payment and the other issues obeyed?
  3. Has the UK got the continuing-violations doctrine in its Laws. I was under probation with a company and I raised H & S issues. A lot of documented bullying occurred. My employment was later terminated and the director cited the contract I signed in which they have the right to terminate my contract without reason. Much later after the expiration of the time limit for the Tribunal I made a Subject Access Request. I discovered that my line manager has been telling lies about me all this time. And these are lies that are easily disputable (Like I was found sleeping while on that day I was over a 100miles away on training). In a personal review list done six months after I left the manager still wrote down a lot of easily disputable lies. Now if the UK has a continuing-violations doctrine or something similar, I will still be in time to take the case to the Tribunal. Please I would be grateful for any advice. Regards
  4. I got a judgement against a debtor. He is a conman and not paying me anything. Instead went on benefits hiding all of his assets. I tried to enforce order through different ways but did not get single penny. 4 years passed in the struggle. When I sent bailiffs he put an application to set judgement aside on very illogical reasons. After hearing his application was dismissed. I did not recover anything from him though. Now I sent him Statutory Demand Notice. He made exactly same application in the court to set Statutory Demand Notice Aside, as he did previously. What he is doing here: 1) Presenting same arguments which he presented previously to set judgement aside. He is not telling court that his same arguments were heard and dismissed previously. 2) He is lying that he is in process of setting judgement aside, as his application was dismissed a while back. 3) Also he is negating some facts in his statement, in contrary to what judgement order says. Now my question is, is he not interfering the course of justice by making false statement? What is way to make application for committal of contempt of court? Which application form should I use? Hearing is in near future on his application. He is just wasting free public money available to him, as he is not paying any court fees being on benefits. That is the main reason I think that on every step he put an application to drag me in the court on and on. Any expert advice please?
  5. Hi Guys, I hope you can help me as I'm a little unsure of where to turn with this. Last year I received paperwork from Northampton Court for a CCJ that a debt collector was trying to obtain against a debt I had with Llyods TSB approx 5 years ago now. At the time I went online to lodge for an extension to 28 days in which to lodge my response as the amount they were quoting had nearly doubled from what I owed. I managed to get the extension and gathered all my information appropriately. When I tried to enter my response online about a week later I was unable to log in to my account. I telephoned Northampton and was told that they were experiencing serious issues with the online service and to send everything to them via Royal Mail. I did this and have never heard anything more about it. Yesterday a court bailiff called at my home whilst I was out and left a letter with a visitor to my next door neighbour. This letter states that I am in contempt of court, the reference number relates to the above CCJ application, because I have failed to return paperwork to my local county court. The letter then goes on to say "to avoid the possibility of this action" I need to attend the bailiffs office at the county court. I think the letter itself is purposefully not very clear, the bailiff that attended my property was obviously not bothered who he handed the paperwork to as he made no attempt to ask who my neighbours friend was before handing the letter over them. I'd be grateful for any help or suggestions about where I should go from here. Thankyou
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