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  1. hello all, totally distraught to receive this just before christmas any help advice or moral support gratefully received. Name of the Claimant Hoist portfolio Date of issue – 14 12 2015 defence due by 4pm Friday 15 th jan What is the claim for.. ..the claim is for £11000 in respect of monies owed under the CCA. The debt legally assigned by santander and notice has been served. the defendant failed to make any payments. a default notice was served. the claimant claims 1. the sum of 11300 2. interest at 8% 3 daily intrest 4.costs What is the value of the claim? £11000 ish The claim is for a loan, specifically a cahoot flexi loan entered into agreement Jan 2006. The account has been assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. The account has been asigned multiple times, do not believe i have ever heard of Hoist before, so no do not believe i had been notified in this instance. i really cant remember if i received a Default Notice from the original creditor. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? i dont think so. Why did you cease payments? The cahoot flexiloan was a nightmare product, which caused us to fall into financial difficulties. i did approach the financial ombudsman in 2012 for help in sorting it out. What was the date of your last payment, no idea, my partners credit rating account gives the default date as 9/2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? in my opinion yes, but the fca ruled not. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? yes, but was turned down by then Santander. i have been on moneyclaim online, registered and acknowlaged the form, can any one tell me when the defence must be submitted by taking into account the christmas period?? The Claim Form is in joint names but there is no record of this loan on my credit report and i genuinely cant recollect if the loan was taken out in joint names. will the fact that we took this account to be looked at by the financial ombudsman count against us in this? am i better to try and agree a settlement rather than go through the stress??
  2. I recently checked my Credit Reference File and saw that a default was on my account for a Cahoot flexi loan, the default was incorrect in that the last payment date and default date were some 18 months apart and the original debt was incurring interest, making the amount outstanding an additional £4 K. I approached Santander on 2 occasions and they refused to remove the default, so I then moved on to the ICO, who upheld my complaint and instructed Santander to put things right. The debt would be statute barred and should thus disappear, this happened on my Noddle file but still was showing on my Experian file, this has prevented me from a re-financing deal due to adverse credit being shown. I got back to the ICO and once again they contacted Santander, who stated they had removed one but had forgotten about the other CRA's, to say I am annoyed is an understatement Is there any way to get compensation for this as I see ICO cannot penalise them?
  3. Hi Caggers On the 12th of this month I hired a van online from Flexi hire Burton on Trent, it was to help my brother inlaw move house, so he paid online using his card. On the day I went to collect it and went through the paper work and went over the vehicle to spot all the dents and scratches etc. The weather wasnt to great so some of the smallest chips of paint could of been coverd by rain drops. When I returned it they spotted a chip and said that I must of done it as its not on the paperwork, I know 100% whilst that van was in my possession it did not get hit or knocked etc. The guy said he will be in touch with a quote. When I got home I spoke to my inlaw and I told him to cancel his debit card and told him why. Today the car hire people have called me saying I owe £115 for it, to be honest the damage is the size of a ant. So I'm thinking hes trying it on. Im waiting for him to call me back because I told him about the weather on that day and was going to check. Like I said there is no way I did the damage. So if there is any advice what to do next?
  4. Hello all, first post prompted by success with my PPI claim with LTSB I took out a Cahoot flexi loan in 2001 which I'm still paying off now, this was an internet application etc, and have discovered I'm paying PPI as part of the monthly payment looking at other posts Ive missed the rate hike opportunity but am looking finally after getting my butt in gear to make a claim for PPI throughout the life of the loan I have had available to me company sick pay, pension, death in service benefits etc I no longer have the original details of the paperwork, but believe I may be able to get a copy from cahoot / santander? If i cannot claim for a ppi refund how do I go about contacting them to cancel my ppi policy so at least I can reduce my monthly payment any help or advice would be greatly appreciated Rick
  5. Mrs ICY took out a so called Flexxi loan in 2006, such a horrible system they use, knowing you will never pay the damn thing off, its just another account on your online account credited with £5000 you pay £200 a month back (they take £75 for themselves every month from this) the problem is the moneys always there and its always being used, it is such an expensive loan to use but because of the £200 going out to repay it really leaves us short it a trap. it was taken out in branch, when she went in they just asked if all circumstances were the same (she had been a customer for many years) they mentioned nothing about PPI but not only do they take £75 a month for the pleasure but they have also set up "load protection" at just under £17 a month, spreadsheet ready to be printed. Her work contract covers her on full sick pay for up to 6 month so there is no way any sickness policy would be needed and her job is extremely secure as she is responsible for funding so and would know a year in advance if her position were at risk.
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