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Found 9 results

  1. Some help and guidance required if possible, bit of a story behind it all so I'll keep it as brief any more info needed and I'll follow it up. Nearly two years ago I had a Brain Haemorrhage , A large bleed and had Coiling done, Salford Royal Hospital are amazing and saved my life. I had worked in the building trade for 30 years and after the Haemorrr than othershage I was left with the symptoms of a stroke. Down one side , speech mental issues, memory etc. I decided to go down the route of Naturally treating the conditions I was left with and am doing a lot better than hoped. Unable to go back to work I had to claim ESA , I had my first WCA in Wigan and was passed on points and placed in the support group by DWP . After 12 months I had to have a second WCA again at Wigan and ended up having a bit of a row with the Manager. I then had the Assessment and had a strange feeling something was wrong but in the back of my mind I felt comfortable because I had insisted on the Assessment being recorded "what a blessing". Before I carry on , if anyone knows ANYBODY going for a Work Capability Assessment PLEASE PLEASE , tell them to insist on having the Assessment recorded, if for any reason they say no or make excuses please complain . What I say as follows explains. The HCP did her job and carried out the Assessment , a little bit faster than I expected but due to the brain not working as it should I didn't pick up on it . The decision was made by the Decision Maker and I received only 6 points and was told I was fit to work and taken out of support group . Mandatory Reconsideration was done and was pointless having complained about the HCP lying in the Medical report form, and when I say lying you cannot imagine how blatant it was done, absolutely unbelievable. The recordings were transcribed and there in black and white a word for word comparison of what was said , when compared with the Medical Report it was a perfect reverse , every and I mean every word turned upside down. The Medical report described a fit active person . I could go into more detail and will if asked but. Put my evidence in to Tribunal Court although a little late due to DWP not sending me a copy of the bundle to defend against what they were relying on. As I expected it was adjourned . The first thing said to me in the Court was , "not word for word" but , we have concerns that you are recording this Hearing , 3 times I was asked if I was secretly recording and I told them NO. Alarm bells went of in my head, somebody is advising the Court regarding my attitude to having everything recorded , either Maximus or DWP . They were actually really worried and concerned . I asked the Court why no recordings were being made and that I was aware "to my belief" that Court proceedings were normally recorded. I'm sure they said it's because it's not a Court of law. 90% sure that's what they said. I asked if the Court would be requesting the HCP attend , they said NO. How on earth could the Tribunal ignore the importance of what was stated at the assessment by the HCP who then forwarded her Medical Report to the DWP , the outcome was sealed 100% impossible to gain 15 points or more. So it implies to me the HCP will get away with it or at least that's what they think and that is why i'm here.so . 1, Is it possible to start Legal Proceedings against the HCP for fraud 2, Is it possible to have both Tribunal case and Civil case running at the same time 3, Can you insist on the Court allowing recordings being made 4, Would you direct proceedings towards Maximus or the HCP, I would love to name and shame her but understand that I cant at this moment in time This has to be addressed, how many more has this been done to . I would say, that it was done so blatantly done that she must be super confident of getting away with everyone can make a mistake but she may have just kicked me in the balls and stuck the boot in. I don't think that the Tribunal Court have Legal powers, but if this could be gotten in front of a Real Court , then some smelly stuff is going to hit the fan . Can somebody please point me in the right direction of how to initiate this against the HCP . I am confident I can beat the Tribunal , if that goes against me I will Appeal to the 2nd tier Thanks in advance
  2. hello I had an interview with a health care professional ( HCP) When I arrived the HCP said he had 'not' read my questionnaire form This bothered me inside because i was hoping the HCP would be up to date with my condition and i could then just reaffirm what i had said in the form and add a bit here and there. On one of my first questions he asked me, i decided to elaborate a bit, to inform the HCP that my condition varies due to my depression and sleeping issues.. .but he interrupted and said "i only want short answers such as yes or no." I had no proper time to talk about my condition and how it effects my day to day tasks. i was all lost. I found a moment when he paused and I tried to explain the basics of how stress depression combined with lack of sleep greatly effects when i can get out the house and be confident. i said politely "does this make sense"... he said "no not really"! he tried to move on without asking me to elaborate... I turned to my mum and said: did that make sense to you ? and she said yes. I speak quite clearly. I was shocked he did not care to understand. my mum tried to make notes on a pad in pen.. ..he told my mum she was not allowed to take any notes as it could be used in court. so she put the pad away. The HCP cared not one wit how my poor health effects my tasks, how it varies. All he wanted to do was to type down what I could do at my best moments of health. The fact that at times I am so tired i can't move or get out the house does not seem to matter. I then decided to make it perfectly clear " My depression and poor sleeping and stress greatly effects all my day to day activities. Will you write that on your report?" he said "I don’t have to do that." not only did he not read my questionnaire, he also did not wish to type up my illness or care to understand. The HCP also kept referring to my old questionnaire not my new one ( which he had not read). kept asking me about my elbow ... but that healed years ago I said yes it is fine....yet 5 mins later.. "so your elbow. is it o.k now"? i said yes and moved my elbow about, not a trouble. But again..10 minutes later he asks..." your elbow? its o.k? " it is was just so weird that was from an old questionnaire also. surely the new one should be the most important? it was a very sharp, short and bitter interview. approx 25-30mins I was not asked at the end: would you like to add anything? I had a page full of items i wanted to say and my questionnaire content had hardly been touched upon. there was no care and I do not think at all professional, just bitterness, i dont think he wanted to be there. and hated his job. i am glad i had a witness even though neither of us was allowed to write anything down. btw. i did say to the effect: this is unfair you are just writing things down I can do 'at my best' without including how my poor health effects me too.. You just want to get me in the job que or cut my benefit. he then said: We can cancel the interview now if you like? I said: Well, that would not be a good idea as i would lose my benefit. I think you know that!? so we carried on. Thanks for reading and for any advice. : )
  3. 2 or 3 days ago I sent back my questionaire with supporting evidence to the benefit office. I have just contacted them this afternoon and they have said they have sent a report off to the DWP and I do not need to have an actual assessment. I am in the Support Group since 2013 and was due for renewal is this a good sign I am not being made to have a F2F???
  4. Hello, enquiring for a friend - just noticed this thread - what is the best email for Stratford BDC, Nine Elms Lane, London SW95 9AB in connection with WCA-appointments?
  5. ltd500

    Atos HCP

    Hello, Had a home visit for DLA. First letter was postmarked a Friday with a 2nd class stamp for an appointment on the following Tuesday so only got the letter a few hours prior to the appointment. therefore rearranged it as no notice given, have kept envelope and letter Atos said they do not need to give any notice and they posted in plenty of time! Can anyone advise a link to guidelines were ATOS state the notice period that they have to or should give? Dr that turned up introduced himself as a current GP. However he is not on the GP or specialist register. When confronted with this at a later date - he has now said he didn't say this. However an audio recording was in place for personal use. Dr ignored aids I use and what he was told, stating I need no help - basically he has written a false report to say no care help required despite various reports from experts being ignored. Despite not being a current GP he carried out a physical examination and an eye test - GMC complaint maybe? Dr then went on to diagnose that I had a severe mental condition and suggested I should start treatment - news to myself and medical team. Something made up from a line I said about feeling a bit low at times. Have done an initial complaint via ATOS but it's they're stating the DR didn't do any of that and he is right and I'm wrong attitude - they haven't stated where to go now - what's the next level of complaint I can take? Any advise folks?! Thanks!
  6. I just got my esa 85 this morning, the report from my medical. I was put into the support group again for another 6 months. In my assessment I saw a nice doctor who said he was sympathetic to my condition but that the way the wca is set out made it very difficult for him but he did say his wife had the same condition as me and he knew how ill I must be. I left thinking I would not get ESA but I did and sent away for my esa 85. I was surprised to read in the report that the hcp had put down information he had gained from examining me which I don't think is true. I believe he did this to ensure I recieved esa even though I don't strictly fit the catagory. I am pleased but worry if this inaccuracy will cause problems in the future?
  7. Does anyone know if it is possible to refuse an assessment by a specific person, e.g. if you feel there would be a conflict of interest? How about if you have had a previous dispute with the doctor where DWP have effectively accepted that the doctor was severely mistaken in their version of events - i.e. it was an out and out fabrication? This may be giving away my identity if ATOS read these threads, but is it reasonable to give a 4 hour time slot where the HCP might arrive for a home assessment? This means that both myself and my carer have to be ready for the assessment to start for a very long time, it will severely disrupt our usual routine and it will completely exhaust me.
  8. Given that face to face assessments have now been conducted for some 3 years does anybody have a typical list of the questions asked by an ATOS HCP to determine points scoring re descriptors for part2 of the ESA 50 ie mental health and cognitive function.....or a link thereto. Questions asked post 3/11 would be of particular interest given that descriptors changed at that time. Such information should assist members to better prepare for the ATOS medical assessment, and moreover, be forewarned of the likely trick questions etc
  9. zydec

    Dr who

    Hi there I am new to this and i guess i have been quiet for far too long but today just took the biscuit. i applied for DLA in march due to a couple of conditions i suffer from (pachyonychia congenita, cataplexy with narcolepsy) My welfare advisor helped me fill out the DLA form and all seemed to be going smoothly with the usual letters of request for information from doctors and specialists, even the we are taking our time letter. then i got a home visit from the medical services, nothing out of the ordinary. today was the day of the home visit and all seemed to go well the HCP was polite and seemed to be asking question that actually where relevant to my conditions. a surprise in itself i guess judging from what i have read on here the last few days. so any way the HCP left and then the postman delivered the post and there was the brown letter, i wasn't expecting one after only just having one on monday stating that it will be a few more weeks untill i hear from the DWP. On opening it i was to say the least shocked. The decision had been made with the usual but somwhat disturbing "you dont have... etc etc" it even said the decision was made using the report from the HCP yet the letter was dated 25th and the HCP wasnt to visit untill today 27th This is unfair in my opinion as the decision maker made his/her decision before the medical report was even made. I know i will have to make an appeal as the decision is blatantly wrong. but what way should i go about doing it? do i wait for the HCP report to actually reach them and ask for a reconsideration or do i just go for my guns and appeal the decision? and on what grounds ? your great advice will be really appreciated on this matter thanks for reading
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