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Found 8 results

  1. As you will be aware yesterday now Carillion announced it was going into liquidation Service Personnel, Families may be concerned about this which is understandable. CarillionAmey has placed an update on there website 15th January 2018 READ MORE HERE: http://company.carillionamey.co.uk/company-news/15-january-2018-update-from-carillionamey/
  2. Hi there, I 'm not sure if this is the correct forum as it's a Scottish issue. My daughter is a foster carer and wants to take the child on holiday with the rest of the family. The problem is the child's parent will not give consent to any holidays in the UK or abroad nor even pass on the child's now expired passport. The parent will not agree to sign a passport form either which leaves my daughter with no option but to apply for a specific issue order in court to have the passport form signed and applied for in the child's name. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how we can go about this and any pitfalls we need to look out for. Thanks hodgsoi
  3. I am a defendant in a fast track case. I have the other parties documents I requested copies of from their disclosure by list. There are other docs I know of the existence of and want the other party to disclose them as I think they have left them out because they will hurt their case. I have written to them requesting these be disclosed but have not heard back or received supplemental disclosure of these docs. I don't expect to hear back as they refuse to communicate with me regarding this litigation. I am planning to apply for a Specific Disclosure order and cannot find much guidance online on how to go about this. I want them to disclose specific documents, rather than to do an additional search as I think these should have been found and disclosed within the search they already carried out. There are 11 docs in total I want them to disclose. Some of the docs are mentioned by them in emails they disclosed, some are police records they can get through a subject access request, they have disclosed the Crime Ref numbers of these incidents and referred to them in letters they disclosed. My questions are: 1. What do I put in the draft order? 2. What do I put in my supporting evidence/information to support the application? 3. How do I refer to the places that bought these documents existence to light? Many thanks
  4. Hi everyone I am a newbee to this forum. I have been reading your threads about sspl and could really relate to them. I got a personal loan against my home in 2006. I was told I had to have ppi, however when my ex husband was made redundant we were not covered. I have been trying for years to claim back the money which is over £10,000. everyone just passes the buck. I have got a customer copy of the loan agreement. I have wrote to sppl who claims it is the brokers responsibility who has gone bust. any advice please? Thank You
  5. Hello, If I think that an insurance company is deliberately taking its time in paying me my claim, can I go to court and request that a Judge make an order for specific performance so that the insurance company then has to pay me? If so, how do I go about this?
  6. I have rare illness / disease that is not easily diagnosed nor accepted as existing by the majority of GPs in the uk ( although it is recognised / has a charity etc ), is there any way then it is possible to find out the number of patients a doctor has - or is currently treating for a specific illness or disease ? ( I like in pretty small town so this is why Im asking ) thanks, mike
  7. Strange question i know I am trying to locate a publication called Lord Justice Auld's Review of the Criminal Courts of England and Wales I believe it was published September 2001 I have tried HMSO, Ebay, Amazon any ideas
  8. Does anyone know if it is possible to refuse an assessment by a specific person, e.g. if you feel there would be a conflict of interest? How about if you have had a previous dispute with the doctor where DWP have effectively accepted that the doctor was severely mistaken in their version of events - i.e. it was an out and out fabrication? This may be giving away my identity if ATOS read these threads, but is it reasonable to give a 4 hour time slot where the HCP might arrive for a home assessment? This means that both myself and my carer have to be ready for the assessment to start for a very long time, it will severely disrupt our usual routine and it will completely exhaust me.
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