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Found 4 results

  1. New bursary to get veterans into teaching READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-bursary-to-get-veterans-into-teaching
  2. Hi guys, thanking you in advance. My sister is a teachers assistant working in North West London and the council is Brent I am assuming that her main body of authority is Brent Education or something. she has been doing the same job for 10 years. Same school. First head teacher was a “cow” vicious, rude and arrogant and everyone hated her. She retired before she went she made my sisters life hell. Second head teacher is different as some how her duties means shes not 100% at the school. For 9 years my sister was Special needs Teaching Assistant. Now for last year or so is a General Teachers Assistant. Her current teacher, main teacher in the class room is making her life hell which is border line physiological torture, torment. These are not strong words these are correct descriptive words. My sister has zero evidence for any of the abuse. Sometimes even physical abuse such as being pushed or being pulled. From what other Teaching Assistants have told me, most teachers treat them like slaves and for some reason all of them are afraid to talk, take action. do they not have normal contracts like all employees in the UK with the same rights? Can they be dismissed at any given moment at the discretion of the head teacher? Following on from question 2, can they be made redundant at any given moment and being sacked or being made redundant the same? Should the Teaching Assistants be sub-servants to the Teachers or be equal in law and work as a team? I have requested my sister to note date and time of all conflicts and discuss this matter with no one until we understand her legal position and possible actions she can take. My sister needs to job for more reasons other then money. Please help and advise. Ali
  3. HI, My daughter has been working as a Teaching Assistant for a teaching agency for the past few years and been working at the same school since September last year. She only gets paid for the days she works so during the school holidays she doesn't get paid. My question is, should she be entitled to any holiday pay as she has been employed by them at the same school for the past 7 months and before that a different school for a year. I would appreciate any advice on this.
  4. asking on behalf of the wife whos at the end of her tether theres one child in her class (5 years old) who has autism now my daughter has autism but this child is at the deep end of the spectrum it has now got to the point where my wife is thinking of asking for a doctors note this childs kicking, biting, swearing, name calling, tried to tear off the wifes clothing now if it happens to the teacher or the head it goes in a record of behaviour, for some reason this doesnt go down if it happens to a TA any advice gratefull receaved
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