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Found 4 results

  1. New plans for Armed Forces flexible working reach the Commons READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-plans-for-armed-forces-flexible-working-reach-the-commons
  2. The number of tenants evicted from their homes is at a six-year high, according to new figures, as rising rents and cuts to benefits make tenancies increasingly unaffordable. County court bailiffs in England and Wales evicted more than 11,000 families in the first three months of 2015, an increase of 8% on the same period last year and 51% higher than five years ago. The increase in the number of tenants losing their homes means 2015 is on course to break last year’s record levels. Nearly 42,000 families were evicted from rental accommodation in 2014, the highest number since records began in 2000. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/may/14/tenant-evictions-reach-six-year-high-rising-rents-benefit-cuts
  3. Hi I am new to this forum , although did originally have some excellent help at the end of 2009 , from the original Penalty charges forum on other debt matters , so Im desperately hoping I can gain some help now in dealing with this final matter that is still ongoing since then and has now escalated to a CC claim being issued . Firstly I sincerely apologise for the length of this thread , Im just now desperate to know best action to take and so wanted to try and included all details that would be required. Im in a position of not knowing whether there are any grounds for this CCA is unenforceable or whether I need to try and quickly reach a settlement agreement with Cabot who have issued the CC claim as now the legal owners of this debt. I have already registered on MCOL the “acknowledgement of service” on the 20/3/15 , having received the CC claim issue date of the 4/3/2010. Im simply cannot deal with a CCJ being issued , as I have recently been suffering from health issues because of Stress & anxiety , consequently off long term sick from work and having to have medication for the stress and depression. I have managed over the last 5 years to try and start to rebuild my life and dealt with all other debts and cannot face another 6 years because of a CCJ ! Im afraid Id just reached the point & desperation with this Cap 1 account , as I managed to sort other debts out however it all become to much for me to deal with as I was getting nowhere reaching a similar settlement figure with this as I had with other creditors. Im afraid I suffered ill health most of last year and just wasnt in the mental health to deal with it any further , so it got ignored ! Very Stupid I know but as I say I simply was not well enough to focus on this any more at the time. Any help and advise would be very much appreciated , I really dont want this matter to send me over the edge again . Thank You Details I believe you will need are detailed below : (any other details required please ask & i'll try to post up asap ) Name of the Claimant ? Cabot Financial UK Limited Date of issue : 4th march 2015 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? 1.The Defendant entered into a credit agreement described by the original creditor as CAPITAL ONE – CREDIT CARD and having account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (‘the Account’) 2.The Claimant, a UK limited company with company number 3757424, is the assignee and legal owner of all rights previously enjoyed by the original creditor in respect of the Account. 3.The Defendant is indebted to the claimant in respect of the account in the sum of 16919.87 4.The claimant claims the said sum of 16919.87 , plus costs. What is the value of the claim? 16919.87 credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 22/7/2002 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Letter from Cap 1 on 4/5/11 advising they have sold the account to Cabot Financial UK Ltd on the 29/3/2011. Cabot Financial UK Ltd will start reporting against your credit file within 30 days of you receiving this letter Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes on the 7/5/2010 Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Yes debt has been passed from Cap 1 , then FPC debt collection services (on behalf of cap 1 ) , Then Fredrickson International Ltd , then passed back to Cap 1 on 15/12/10 , then sold to Cabot on 29/03/2011. Sent series of e mails to cabot through 2012 stating they had failed to provide the required details and a valid true copy of CCA to me. Why did you cease payments? Redundancy / marriage breakdown & costly divorce / returned to live with parents & they offered some limited financial support to try and resolve & clear my financial crisis out ! Made offer to Cap 1 along with all other creditors on a pro rata basis as I was advised to . Capital 1 was the only one that failed to accept. What was the date of your last payment? Last payment on 3/1/2010 , then could no longer afford to so missed payments from Feb 2010 onwards Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I disputed the amount as at the time I originally contacted Cap 1 and advised of severe financial difficulties the amount was £15613.65 less £748 charges so £14865.65 Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan ? Yes made a offer of £6237 to cap 1 , as full & final settlement on acc as represented circa 42% of the debt at the time . the same % basis that I made to all other creditors that accepted the settlements on a pro rata basis. Offer made on 25.01.10 , details attached . Later offer made to Fredricksons International Ltd as DCA on 22.11.2010 of £7500 as circa 46% of the debt. Response from Fredrickson on 30/1/2010 indicating offer would be accepted but need me to call to discuss matter. Letter from Cap 1 on 15/12/2010 advising matter no longer with DCA (Fredickson Int Ltd ) but been returned to Cap 1
  4. like most people my phone and broadband cost is going up and up. My contract with BT ends in february and i have decided to cancel and go to virgin media. After contacting BT today to give advance notice (30 days) they informed me i would be subject to a charge of £30 to end my service. when i pusherd this with the BT customer agent, she informed me this fee woulld be deleted if i was only transfering my service to another provider. they said this £30 fee to totally cancel was not through a contract with BT, but open reach (a BT group company) This seems an unfair term if true, and any ideas on this rouse of a contract with open reach and not BT
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