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Found 3 results

  1. Hello i complained to safetynet in 2016 and they rejected for IL, its probablies too late to take to ombudsman? i just emailed safetynet today and they replied back we will not respond to the new complaint you made in 2016.
  2. Hi, I am looking for some advice to try to attempt a default removal, if this stays on my credit file then I am looking at August 2020 before it falls off The balance owing is £509.52, this is made up of £300 in interest charges that they have added since the account was open in 2013. The last lot of interest was added in September 2013 of £97 on a balance at the time of £441!! I have written and complained but they will not write off the debt and have said that the balance owed is outstanding and needs to be paid. I have today received a copy of an unsigned credit agreement and the letter that was sent issuing a default notice (this I never received). Could someone point me in the right direction of what the next steps are please, in an ideal world I want the Default removed, but appreciate this may not be possible. I will upload the documents this evening, but just wanted to get the ball rolling - is there a letter template of irresponsible lending perhaps that I could use please? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi you lovely helpful people, I have just found out that my brother has a loan with Safetynet credit. He owes nearly £600 and is at breaking point because the interest is increasing faster than he can pay it back. He has been using them for well over a year and has borrowed and paid back thousands. I am pretty sure that it could be classed as irresponsible lending because he is not working and is claiming benefits instead. Safetynet know this because apparently they log into his online banking! Is it worth him complaining and trying to work out a deal to pay back over a longer period with lower interest (otherwise he is going to not be able to pay them)? One other question is how will this affect his credit score if he makes an irresponsible lending complaint, does it go on his file as a default? Thanks in advance Jackie
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