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Found 3 results

  1. The country has waited a long time to see Tony Blair’s face when this report comes out, there are suggestions that he should be stripped of all honours given to him, to sit on the Privy Council-who advise the Queen, and the title of ‘Right Honourable’ which he is not. Blair lied to the British people and to parliament (with the aid of his side kick Campbell, they should both be taken to court for starting an illegal war, which killed nearly 7,500 Iraq civilians plus the lives of 179 British servicemen and women, which also enabled the rise of ISS. Blair took absolutely no notice of experts and his cabinet so that he could make the case for war. If he is found guilty of lying then he should face the full force of the law. I have been reading a book called Broken Vows –Tony Blair the tragedy of power, by Tom Bower. It is a real eye opener in relation to his total time in power, and I have to say Brown was also responsible for what went wrong during the Labour years, by the shear animosity between them.
  2. Due to strike action by staff, HMRC is extending the deadline to apply for tax credits to 11.59pm on Wednesday 6 August, regardless of how you renew. 550,000 people still need to renew their tax credits or risk losing their payments,HMRC is offering people renewing their claims this year the option of doing so online for the first time. They can do this either by going to the web page or by using the free HMRC app, which is available in the iTunes and Google Play stores. Claimants can also renew by post, or on the phone by calling 0345 300 3900. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/jul/30/tax-credit-renewal-claimants-week-strike
  3. 70 years ago Tonight, this speech was broadcast around the world We will remember them
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