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Found 2 results

  1. Hello Everyone, I am new to this forum so feel free to keep me right. I feel a little bent out of shape after my dealings with an online UK company that offers harnesses for dogs: You can find them at the web address fleece dog harnesses uk Here is the initial email I sent the woman: Message Body: Hello, I have had a challenging time trying to track down a harness for our 1 year old irish water spaniel. I have tried maybe 8/9 different models! She is still a puppy at 1- being a large breed. Irish water spaniels are slow to mature. She weighs 27kg of pure muscle and has pulled me off my feet on occasion ( running after a cat). Not only is she extremely strong and impulsive, but her skin is like lambskin- incredibly soft, particularly around the stomach, neck and chest. Conventional harnesses have caused abrasions. She has sores on her neck from her last collar. We took it off as soon as we realised. She often lies between size brackets which has made fitting more tricky. Often I order the medium, that fits her measurements according to the manufacturer’s chart but it turns out she needs the next size up. A lot of the harnesses have jutted into the back or front of her front legs. I am hoping you might be able to help. She currently uses a Hunter Norwegian Racing Harness which has been the best so far, but it is not terribly secure. She can be flighty for instance meeting a large dog or seeing a cat. She is almost able to wriggle her way out of the harness backwards. The other thing is that we really need a strong handle to keep her in check along busy roads. I will try and give you a ring tomorrow. I thought it might be helpful to send you a worded message as well since there is a lot of info! Kind regards, XXXXXX I subsequently followed up with a phonecall & placed an order for a custom made harness (as advised by the lady since she said the breed is too deep-chested for highstreet harnesses) I mentioned the handle again and i was told to look at a particular page showing a flyball harness. I confirmed i needed a handle. She asked if i needed a waterproof harness. I thought about it & agreed. So i paid an exorbitant sum (£58) thinking she had taken care of all my requirements. She did not warn me that the harness was non-returnable. Furthermore, I trusted her after a lengthy conversation on the phone & all the email correspondence. I felt reassured by a note on the website saying they wanted their customers to be happy. My order note also warned me not to let the dog wear the harness before seeking a return: ( Of course, the website mentioned that custom orders were non-returnable, but I ordered by phone & paid using paypal afterwards) Returns/Exchanges Please try your harness on but please do not wear, as worn items cannot be returned.Thanks. I would not have paid such a huge sum for a non-returnable harness that did not meet the requirements carefully laid out in my initial email. The harness arrived, awkward to adjust, with quite scratchy fabric and exposed seams on the internal facing of the garment. I have not been able to fasten the garment around the dog’s chest yet as it is so difficult to adjust. I will have to try again to check it actually fits her. My family agrees the exposed seams will rub on the dog’s chest. There is no handle. I sent a polite email on 23rd december. The lady has finally replied today, saying she followed my requirements to the letter and that I did not request a handle, therefore a return is out of the question. I feel very let down as I was so very specific in my written brief. It is as if she paid no attention to the dog’s particular requirements. The fabric is not soft either. Any advice gratefully received.
  2. Having been away for some years I'm back to claim my charges from the remaining credit cards, secured loan etc who have MY money - and I want it back. Site has changed quite a lot (so glad it's still going) and I could do with reading up before I do something silly. Going to claim compound interest again and have found the template but so far have been unable to find a step-by-step guide about how to proceed. Can any one advise?
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