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  1. hi. looking for some advise. I have had the sheriff officer at my door today. I was out at work and my neighbour saw them. They asked who lived there (just moved in) and my name. She never told them anything and said no one new has moved in. I have got married and they have my maiden name. Nothing has been put through my door and as far as they are concerned I'm no there. To be honest I don't know if it was the sheriff officer, but the only debt I left at my old address was my council tax. So I am putting 2 and 2 together. Do you think they will come back? They don't know where I work and everything is under my married name anyway. Help
  2. Hi, I have a letter delivered through letterbox by sheriff officers. I have c/tax arrears close to 5k during period wife was terminally ill. The letter is a CHARGE FOR PAYMENT OF MONEY from Stirling park. After wife passed away 3 years ago it has taken me that time to earn almost a full-time income at the minimum hourly rate. I also have a part-time self-employed income. My mortgage was in high arrears but I have been paying £50 extra to mortgage for the 3 years and paid every month, so arrears coming down. I wrote recently to Stirling Park offering £50 a month with a review in every 6 months as my income increased or not. They wanted me to call them to discuss it. However, I crapped out of that as I had heard stories of how you have to tell them where you work, bank details etc and how folk had wages arrested. I really do want to pay this debt off, however, my house has negative equity due to the slump since 2008. if they have my bank details and arrest my wages. I miss the mortgage and they will seize the house. They have been absolute unfair with me. How can I get a deal with them without giving my bank and employer etc? Also, I have a car on finance through a high-interest company so the remainder of the balance is higher than car value but I need it to get to work. Can they seize my car or items on finance? My payment record with mortgage and car over last 2 years is good with all months paid to show I can pay with an arrangement I can afford. Anyone got accurate advice on this. If I lose car-I'm screwed. If the house is repossessed I lose thousands, increasing my debt. I have absolutely no equity whatsoever. All the furniture in my house is a wreck. To make matters worse. The job I am in would sack me if I had an arrestment. It's a job of trust I have served well. Not dealing with money but a job of trust all the same.
  3. Hi folks, I've posted here before about my tales of woe, but need a bit of advice again. Having built up a lot of debt through credit cards, I finally hit 'tilt' last year. I finally got in touch with CAB, and after over a decade of paying the cards like a good soldier, I stopped payments (just didn't have the money). I am self employed and have had to move onto part time working about 3 years ago because of my hubbies health. I also have to admit to 'bumping' 2 cards because there just wasn't enough money to go round. Anyhoo, strangely, I didn't get much if any contact from these cards up until January when solicitors contacted me. This has now escalated to a summons to the Sherrif Court in a couple of weeks. Now CAB are going to contact them to ask for a copy of the paperwork they may have. I have to do this as my hubby sufferes from serious depression and 3 years ago flung out a LOT of stuff, including the paperwork for these cards. Now, while CAB are contacting the solicitors, should I contact the Court and tell them I have no paperwork and am awaiting copies. Also should I go ahead and request cca's for all of my debt? On CAB advice, I am sending £1 to all other debtors, all of which have cashed the cheques, although not to the 2 cards as I had no details to send to. (Bit of a weak excuse, but it did me fine at thw time) I really need some help here (or just reassurance), and I know CAB are really good, but I feel I need to be doing something myself.
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