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  1. I opened a Gym Membership with Exercise 4 Less Falkirk in around January 2015. At this time I signed up for a 12 month membership at the same time My sister opted for a rolling contract with them. At the time we asked if their was cancellation fee. We were told by the person on site, yes for my sister and for that there would be no cancellation fee if i completed my contract. (I now believe this may have been a complete lie to get me to sign up after what happened.) At the end of June this year I cancelled my membership with the gym via their online form. I received an email from them on the 22nd of July stating that they had taken note of this and would cancel my membership and my direct debit. There was nothing on this email stating there was a final fee. On the 6th of August they tried to take money from my account, the amount being the £14.99 normal membership fee. I tried to contact them about this by received to reply. Two weeks later I received a test message, not even a call demanding money from Exercise4less. The person on the phone was rude and less than helpful and didn't want to listen to anything they were told and told me they had sent me hundreds of letters, i had received none. the call was ended. I called back the next day hoping to speak to someone else Bbut was met with the same kind of attitude and telling me that I had to sort this was Harlands. Which left me confused to why they were chasing the money if I had to go through someone else to pay? I then tried to contact both parties through a intermediary site completed with screen shots of the correspondence I had with them and had no reply. I have now received a letter from CRS demanding £222.47. Which is the only letter I have been sent. I have not idea where i stand with this.
  2. Hi everyone, I am brand new to Consumer Action Group and have been reading 100s of posts re: harlands/exercise4less..all of which I found extremely useful and only wish Id of seen this before signing up to the gym. I am sorry to bring it up again but I feel my situation is different to the threads that I can find because I just cancelled my direct debit 6 months in. I have been stupid, I just did not read any contract. I don't even remember being given a contract but obviously i must have signed something, I just remember being offered all sorts when i went with my friend to check the gym out. I was promised free PT sessions and that I could cancel any time it was a rolling month contract & no registration fee if i sign up today etc. The above all turned out to be lies so I decided to cancel, I have since found in my emails that this is an 11 month contract despite being told otherwise. I cancelled DD after 5m still owing 6m, I would be happy to pay the remainder of my contract due to my own stupidity in believing this guys word instead of reading, they have now charged admin fees and sending me letters saying I owe around 100. Judging by what I have read, I have dealt with this wrongly,should i just pay them everything to avoid this going up or should i argue the admin fees and offer to pay the remainder of the contract? I appreciate any advice, thanks in advance.
  3. Hello.Like many others Harlands is atacking me with those scarry letters too.I don't know what to do..I canceled my direct debit so they can't take any money from me.I was planning to call them and pay,but first I decided to read what others did.So now I'm here and I have a hope that I will save some money.I can pay for them,but I can not understand why I have to pay so much administration fees...Here's the last letter.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]59564[/ATTACH] Can you help me?You are my last hope in this mess.. I didn't had long term contract.I paid monthly.
  4. Hey guys, I took out a rolling contract of £14.99 a month paid via direct debit with exercise4less, as I was moving away I notified exercise4less that I would be cancelling my contract verbally in the gym. When telling my friend about this he told me that it was a mistake and I should have emailed them which I proceeded to do. I moved away had a letter from CRS stating that I owed some money posted to my previous address. They stated I still owed £14.99 as I failed to supply one months notice furthermore I have incurred charges of £131.49. I proceeded to tell CRS I had emailed the gym but they stated it was still out of the months paid notice and said as a good will gesture they would accept £81.49. What should I do? Sorry if I missed any information out. Thanks, Matthew.
  5. Hi I would be grateful for your help I joined them back in November 2014 and only attended for a month, due to having an operation on my hand. I didn’t know that I may have been able cancel then. I left it till December 2015 to cancel. I went online and followed their procedures and received an email, I also rang heartlands and told them I have cancelled, they told me not to cancel my DD and they had made a note of it on my records. in February when I noticed that they had still taken a payment I called them again, they told me they had not revived a cancellation notice from Exercise4less. I then cancelled my DD, got the standard letter from heartlands. I still have a problem cancelling my contact for the last two months I have been past from pillow to post by e4less and I still don’t know if it is cancelled. They say I am in arrears of £39.98. £20 admin fee and two months subscription fees. I have now been back online and filled out there cancellation form again and got two of the same emails back. Thank you for contacting Xercise4Less, your request has been received and we'll be in touch as soon as possible. Your request will start from the submission date. Please keep this notification as a receipt for your records. I am not sure what to do now and would be very grateful for any help you can offer. Kind Regards Strongdumplin
  6. Hi was wondering if anyone could help. Myself and my wife cancelled our DD in Feb this year. We moved last June but still kept paying but didn't use the gym. We made the mistake to cancel without informing the gym. We assumed that our memberships may have finished now I have received a letter from spratt endicott asking for £207 and will probably get another one soon for my wife. we are not really sure why its so much? shall I just call them to pay this? Thanks.
  7. Hi, Its my first time posting on here so bear with me. Iv seen a few different posts about this already but thought I would start a new one to see peoples thoughts. I signed up to exercise4less earlier in the year as I was working very near to one. (I work away from home for long periods of time). I signed up to the £14.99 monthly subscription instead of the £9.99 12 month one. And I explained when signing up I was a contractor working in the area and would only be around for a couple of months at most. I set up the direct debit and attended the gym for a couple of months as agreed, until I got finished from where I was working. Before I got finished I told them in the gym I would be leaving within a matter of weeks and wouldn’t be coming back for the foreseeable future. (Unfortunately I have nothing in writing or anything to proof this). I have since been working somewhere else and have rarely been home. However when I have been back I have found letters from Harlands saying I have missed a direct debit and then from CRS saying they have been passed my debt and are looking for £180 to settle it. Also said I only have 7 days to respond, which had already past by time I got home. From what I understand CRS and Harlands are the same people? And any charges they add on are both unlawful and don’t need to be paid? Im not intending on paying them a penny as iv not used the gym so I refuse to pay anything for it. What I would like to know is how I can make this go away? If I just ignore it will they finally give in or am I better off writing to them and if so what do I say? They have also started phoning and texting me saying I must contact them? Thanks in advance for any help
  8. Hi guys signed up to exercise4less about 5 months ago got on a coperate deal through work so went in to enquire and as always was pressured into joining up, wanted to get fit and couldnt argue with £10 a month so decided to speak to someone they said because you work at VM you can join for £10 and then my monthly payments would be £9.99 a month So was happy with this went away 3 days later was paid by work and on returning the bloke i spoke to was not available when i mentioned the £10 joining fee the young lad who dealt with me said he had not heard of that before and it would be £37 to join but i would get what they call a chicken hamper, loads of stuff like gym outfit, gym bag, water bottle, sweat band etc etc, never received the hamper, was told on a weekly basis the stuff i need is out of stock unsure when delivery would be made took the £37 out of my bank, then £9.99 2 weeks later. So i was patient and waited another 3 weeks up until they still decide no delivery has been made so i got really annoyed went home cancelled the direct debit joined another gym with a few friends who has been brilliant with no issues, 2 months later Harlands who deals with Exercise4less direct debit payments decides to tell me i have cancelled the direct debit and they have added there own £25 admin fee for failed direct debit, ignored this letter then 4 weeks later another £25 added for another missed direct debit These people have done nothing but stress me out i got on email to exercise4less where they ignored my complaint, i emailed them again yesterday and the new manager got in touch about me filling out a 30 day cancellation form but said the penalty would still stand, or i can pay up the oustanding balance and continue with them, Way i see it is they never supplied me with the goods they promised and now have the cheek to tell me they are in stock for collection anytime but yet i cant use the gym because i owe them oustanding money aint this breach of contract from there end ? I want nothing to do with this company and just want the whole thing cancelling any help or advice please Many Thanks
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