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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I'm a newbie here and could do with some advice regarding my Mother in Law. She showed me some old solicitors paperwork yesterday from when she took a mortgage advance cheque back in 1995 for £33,000. On the breakdown, there is a payment to Chartered Trust for £8057.00. She thinks it was PPI. Anyone know if this is worth pursuing and if so where to start? Thanks
  2. Hello, I've started chasing BH over a couple of car finance agreements I've had with them over the years, one was with Chartered Trust it goes back a while. I've written the standard letter to them giving as much information as I could (vehicle reg, previous addresses) they have come back and said that as the agreements have been closed more than three years they can't find anything on their system and so they can't do anything unless I have an agreement number, which I don't. Sounds to me like they are just trying to bat me off. Surely a financial institution has to keep records for more than 3 years? Can anyone advise on how I should proceed?
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