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  1. I live on a canal boat, for which I am required by the 1995 British waterways act to have a licence, the licence is a statutory requirement, British waterways was changed to a charitable trust some years ago but the legislation that governs licences has not changed, the trust is now falsely claiming that this licence is now a contract which they can add their own terms and conditions to without any recourse to parliment, and can cancel at any time they choose if the boat owner breaches any condition they have invented. The trust has now " re interpreted " the 1962 transport act section 43 and are claiming this gives them the authority to do anything they want, but they can't hide the fact that licences for boats on their waterways were not invented until 1975, and a public right of navigation existed on all their waters until 1968, so whatever way you interpret this section of this act it cannot possibly apply to licences. BW never claimed it had any such powers and post 1962 sought the consent of parliment for four new sets of bylaws, and 11 further waterways acts. The trusts is doing this because the law gives boat owners certain statutory rights which the trust wants to con them out of, many boaters already believe that the licence is a contract with contract terms and conditions, it sounds so right, but it is not true. I have taken the trust to task over this in a reasoned and polite way, they have banned any of their staff from speaking to me, and blacklisted my email and phone, they have also stated to me in writing that they will refuse to issue or renew a statutory licence unless their contract is agreed to, agreement to a contract or anything else is not a statutory pre condition of this licence surely must be illegal, the contract illegal and therefore unenforceable ? I and all other licence holders are being forced to agree to a contract we do not want, which the law states we do not need to obtain a licence, the Trust is blatantly breaking the law, which for them has no consequences, without funding a very expensive judicial review of the legislation we are at a loss to find a way to challenge this.
  2. Hi there, I hope someone can help me with these cases. When I was young and naive I got offered in the Debenhams and River Island store cards under the premise of extra discounts so I signed up in the stores. I was obviusly not advise of PPI, nor did I know what it was, and obviously charge for it. I do not remember in any case the mention of PPI, just the offered extra discounts and offers, and even the store-assistant filling the form for me, and putting crosses where to sign, her going to make a phone call and having an answer there and then. A few years later and when I started to go into difficulties, such as redundancy, over-spending and so on, I started to look more careful into my outgoings and with the publicity of the mis-sold PPI then I realised that the extra charge in my statements wasn't interest for the card, it was the PPI. So I called to cancelled both I think. As I did with all the rest of cards. anyway I did try to claim back the PPI to Ge Capital that fobbed me off and I thought that was it. Until a few weeks back when suddenly I've got through the post same letter, different references for these 2 cards, saying that I may have been mis-sold the PPI and that if I wanted they could re-view my complaint. So I filled the form, stating that what I said before, no knowledge of PPI to be put on top, sale-assistant not mentioned to me, nothing about being able to cancelled, and so on. I post the letters form back and a few weeks later I've got a phone call asking details about jobs, and so on, to be honest it was quite difficult to understand the person on the phone and I am not sure she knew what I was saying, bad line. Also as the cards were obtain ages ago, I couldn;t remember well in which jobs I was, dates and so on. (this was in the Debenhams card) I also had another call for the for the River Island one, and as it was not suitable then, I asked them to call me later, which they did, but I couldn't reply and they didn't left a number where to contacting them back. So a week later and I've got 2 letters, the same one with different references, saying the the sales-assistant was not obligated to mention the PPI in those dates and that I received all the information by post regarding what it was covered, and so on, so my fault not to read the small letter pretty much. They did included copies on both of the credit agreement, the, Debenhams, and where I spend more, I do have it signed i both bits the credit agreement itself and the PPI, but they are X marks on both bits done my the sales assistant. So not sure how to proceed there, I still think I was mis-sold the insurance as I didn't know about it. Ok, well enough that they sent me paperwork, saying that, I did moved home in the short period between the card being activated so I may not have received all the paperwork necessary. The second one, it is more interesting, the Credit agreetment is not signed, just the PPI cover, so I think I've got more chances here to go for them, as I believe that it is inforceable in a court room if I'm correct and it probes that the PPI was mis-sold. Basically the sales-assistant didn't know what she was doing. What do I do now. I did managed to recover some PPI from other credit cards, but these two seem to be more hard work than the the big ones. Thanks in advance, Zara_goza
  3. Hi CCA to OC who returned £1 p.o. as now administered by CL finance. Also made a CCA request to CL Finance prior to this on 24.01.14 (free proof of posing obtained) No CCA r'cd from them. Letter r'cd this morning saying they [CL] have now assigned this to Hoist Portfolio Holding and that future correspondence should be directed to them. I am going to send a letter to HPH just stating that since their clients are in default of my formal CCA Request their letter is an unlawful demand for payment. Do I need to say anything else and is it worth copying the letter to CL too? Thanks. Showing on Cr Report as: Credit Card from C L Finance, and as AP since Jan 2010 - stopped paying last month due to unemployment.
  4. Hi guys, pretty new to the forum. Ive had my successes with bank charges in the past many moons ago. However i had a hammering off River Island / GE / Santander store card back in the day for my store card with regards to late payment charges, over limit charges etc etc. The account is since closed. Is there still any scope for me to reclaim these in this day and age? As i'd obviously like to pursue some of my money back if its a possibility but dont want to chuck a tenner their way if its not going to get me anywhere! If this is the case id appreciate some guidance. Initially i think i will need to send a SAR to Santander as ive since lost or binned all my statements. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi All, I'm hearing that for a GE Capital RI Store Card you should write to Santander, is this correct? I had one about 10 years ago, I'm fairly sure it had PPI on it but I have absolutely no details about it. Not even an account number. Worth an SAR to Santander (or GE?)? Or just forget about it? It was, after all, agessssssss ago. Any assistance greatly appreciated. Cheers DD
  6. Hi I had a River Island store card with ppi & have some statements and agreement from Santander. Claim form sent and final response recieved stating I had option to cancel and that I signed the agreement. Have reffered to FOS and am just completing the form. I can remember being asked to sign the form to strengthen the case for getting an agreement by a young shop assistant who was more interested in selling the ppi than the goods! Dont recall any option being mentioned either but am looking for advice to strengthen my case. BF
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