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Found 8 results

  1. MoneySavingExpert founder Martin Lewis is suing Facebook for defamation following “repeated fake adverts from [problem]mers it refuses to stop publishing” In a statement on MoneySavingExpert, Lewis wrote: “I get about five messages a day from people saying, ‘I’ve just seen your Bitcoin ad and wanted to check it.’ If that is the number who get through to me, how many more must be just taken in?” Well i have seen these adverts have you. I very nearly lifted a floorboard to take out some of my secret stash after thinking well he is a chap you can trust. I came so close but nailed the floorboard back down again. The phone did not stop ringing for weeks.Trying to entice the old owl.From all over the world. Has anyone else nearly fallen into the trap. Or maybe fallen straight through it. Just wondering as you do.
  2. Never had this previously but now just about every second post comes up with a Google ad which is quite annoying. Is this something new on CAG. No objection to ads on side and above, but not in threads as annoying!
  3. New rules forcing broadband firms to be clearer in adverts on the costs of their contracts have come into effect. Broadband suppliers will now have to show upfront and monthly costs, without separating out line rental prices, according to the changes brought in by the Advertising Standards Authority. The rules were originally due to be implemented in May, but firms asked for more time to comply with the changes. The ASA said customers were now much less likely to be misled. To comply with the new rules, broadband providers will now have to: Show all-inclusive, upfront and monthly costs, with no separating out of line rental prices Give greater prominence to the contract length and any post-discount pricing Give greater prominence to upfront costs http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37818861
  4. Today, following a review of TV ads for payday loan products, we are publishing new Guidance to prevent ads trivialising the serious nature of taking out short-term, high-cost loans. The Guidance clarifies the spirit in which the rules must be interpreted, particularly the rule that requires ads to be responsible to the audience and to society. For example, ads should not encourage consumers to make an ill-considered or rushed decision about borrowing, particularly without considering the financial implications of doing so. In the light of research by the Children’s Society and evidence submitted in response to a call for evidence, we will now publish a public consultation on scheduling of TV ads for payday loans. The consultation will be launched by the end of July 2015. Read More
  5. Adblock Plus allows people browsing the internet to automatically hide those intensely irritating adverts and pop-ups on pages that they’re visiting Over in Germany, a group of media companies took AdBlock Plus to court. They said it was threatening their business and that the whole thing is anti-competitive and, of course, they wanted it to be shut down. However, much to the dismay of the media outlets, a court ruled in favour of allowing people to continue to block ads. http://www.bitterwallet.com/court-rules-in-favour-of-software-that-blocks-adverts/84795 http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/adblock-plus-technology-to-hide-adverts-on-websites-is-legal-court-rules-10195786.html
  6. hi, Just a general question about the ads on the CAG site. Are the ads approved to be helpful to CAG members, or are they uncontrolled, and potentially the sort of companies we should be wary of?
  7. Does anyone else find this really annoying? Amazon adverts do not say on the main ad page where the goods are coming from and some advertisers even lie on their business info page where they are. LG Supply for example. Looks like a UK company with a UK address but goods come from China. You don't find out till the goods don't arrive promptly and you check the feedback and find someone else's goods came from China hence the long delay. I did complain about this to Amazon as this had happened before and they said 'check the business page for small print'. The despatch country should be clearly displayed on the original ad, not hidden away somewhere, and those sellers deliberately misleading buyers like the one above should be take to task. If ebay can do it why not Amazon, and what''s wrong with having a search option of 'UK ONLY'? Do you think that if enough of us demand at least despatch country on the main ad they will take any notice? I'm not that optimistic.
  8. Why does a forum aimed at helping people in debt have so many PPI ads on it? These guys will RIP YOU OFF? A quick search will show just how much this website is potentially making from clicks on these ads. Surely the owners could be more selective in who they allow to advertise. Just saying... just type in the website address into worthofweb . com and it'll show that CAG makes about $600 per day from ads! That's pretty big money!
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